Reporter Laura Sanko accuses Jon Jones of juicing to his face


Hold up, Is she wearing a cup a cap..?
Jones will pulse again shortly after Reyes rematch is announced and will look 10 years younger on fight night
Probably made a bet with the cameraman, which she won.
4 pages, really?

Watch the interview. This is what she meant:
Definition of juiced

1: full of energy and motivation : EXCITED

It's Sherdog, where clickbait is the name of the game.

Did you expect anything less ?
Isn't she an ex fighter? I'm sure she knows but who really cares.

To be honest I only responded too you so I could compliment you on your user name, haha, one of my all time favorite movies, just watched it again a couple weeks ago actually, lol.

Thanks for the compliment but the user name was not created with that movie in mind. It's more in reference to days of fighting, the thunder just giving it more bang. As to Laura, she asked if JBJ was juiced, ( could have meant are you excited ) unless, she was using it as a double entendre to actually mean are you roiding, which would have been intentionally insulting. JBJ just breezed through it. She is irrelevant.
Came here expecting Jon with a syringe in his face.
Oh well.