Social 'Report' : more than half the world's pop. to be obese or overweight by 2035

The obvious causes are people eating more junk and being more sedentary.

But there are other causes too that are not so obvious. I read that even our vegetables today aren't as healthy as they were 70 years ago, due to the way they farm now or something. They have more carbs and less nutrients.

Also, as Andrew Huberman always says, the glowing light in our eyes at night is fucking with our metabolisms, but almost everyone is glued to a screen until they fall asleep.

It's like in the past, the default was to be thin. It was easy to achieve and maintain. Only the laziest pigs were fat.

Now it's the opposite. The default is fat and only the really dedicated people can stay thin.

This is true, I have read studies about fruits and vegetables nowadays are less nutritious compared to many years ago. Because everything have to be grown quick now, not just the greens, the meat we eat have to be at "sellable" size as soon as possible. While they grow in size quickly due to technology and knowledge, they don't have the time to absorb the minerals that made them nutritious years ago.

Just eat a regular vegetable grown in soil and a water grown vegetable. You can definitely taste the difference and the nutrient level is probably off despite what company that sells them tells us.

nutrient depletion in the soil

various fruits and veggies need to be grown in spacious areas but modern farming cramps everything to maximize space for profit. then they maximize again by replanting the next season instead of letting the soil absorb minerals. the waste of the dead plants is also removed so it doesnt get to decompose on the land providing nutrients back to it.
We do have too many fatties but people should really stop using BMI.
sounds like fat shaming. no good dude.
The point wouldn't be to shame anyone, just to teach basic principles of nutrition so people have a better understanding of caloric surplus and deficit and how it applies to either fat or muscle gain / loss.

What they choose to do with the info would be up to them after that.
Singapore used to have a system during primary school, middle school for you guys? Age 7 to 12 basically. Kids that are deemed overweight by BMI are mandatory enrolled in a "TAF club", spelt opposite as FAT, it stands for Trim and Fit. They will reach school around 30mins earlier than regular students for a morning exercise, be it running or some random workout.

imo, it definitely helps with making overweight kids become slimmer, not sure about healthier, but the system lasted only through the 90s to mid 2000s. The system was put to a halt because some claim it caused negative psychological effects on kids in TAF club. Because as like kids all over the world, once you are singled out for whatever reason, you will be teased at in school. And because they have to exercise before lessons even started, they will probably be sweating and some probably doesn't smell pleasant further making them get targeted.

It's a good system imo, but could be implemented better I guess. With how sensitive how people are now, I doubt a system like this can be implemented again.
It's interesting but I understand the concerns that were brought up against it.

I think it would be beneficial to everyone, not just fat kids, to have nutrition and exercise as part of the regular curriculum. Those are skills that could have a much bigger impact on your life than some of the crap I've learned in school and never used again.
I've seen documentaries couple of years ago about how a portion of China people are living on fast food since birth, most of them have kids that are fat af even before 6 years old. I'm not surprised with the OP report considering China have the biggest population in the world.

Oh yeah, and USA. <45>with the no fat shaming and fat is beautiful and brave campaigns over the last 10 years.

As much as people claim they have medical conditions blahblahblah, coming out of my ass I'll say most people that are fat did it to themselves by eating like shit and not exercising.

As of now, China has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world. Vietnam has the lowest. Generally, East Asia and Southeast Asia have the lowest rates. That said, the rates may be rising in China among the younger generations. I don’t have any data to support that, though. The US has the highest obesity rate of any major country and any country located outside of Oceania. The ten fattest countries in the world are all located in Oceania and have Polynesian populations.

This is true, I have read studies about fruits and vegetables nowadays are less nutritious compared to many years ago. Because everything have to be grown quick now, not just the greens, the meat we eat have to be at "sellable" size as soon as possible. While they grow in size quickly due to technology and knowledge, they don't have the time to absorb the minerals that made them nutritious years ago.

Just eat a regular vegetable grown in soil and a water grown vegetable. You can definitely taste the difference and the nutrient level is probably off despite what company that sells them tells us.
Flour made in the USA spikes your insulin and leads to higher obesity rates. The flour people eat in Italy is much healthier. It doesn’t spike your insulin right away like American flour. If you eat pasta in Italy it will raise your blood sugar about three hours later.

But by then your stomach will have already settled. You may be out walking which Italians do more than Americans, and they also have hilly terrain in most of their cities. So you don’t get the immediate and long lasting effect of insulin, which prevents fat loss. Avoiding sugar and simple carbohydrates are essential in weight loss for most people, especially Americans and most Westerners. It helps explain why Italy has among the lowest obesity levels in the West.
Cheap food is a factor in making people fat. Healthy food tends to cost more.
This is not and has never been true. I've been homeless poor and nothing is cheaper than a bag of beans. Rice is cheap as fuck. Chicken and eggs used to be within reach. I had a pay nothing job and one of the guys I worked with ate lunch at the soup kitchen behind the feed store I threw hay at. Fast food is convenient it is not cheaper
Cheap food is a factor in making people fat. Healthy food tends to cost more.

That is such bullshit and a complete cop out.

A staple of many countries around the world is rice which is cheap as shit and can be bought in 20lb bags for bugger all. Add some frozen vegetables and a cheap protein source.

It's so much easier to just play victim while scarfing down McDonalds or Taco Bell instead.
I actually blame work

People eat to relax/destress after work day, not to mention most fit people i know are unemployed
The point wouldn't be to shame anyone, just to teach basic principles of nutrition so people have a better understanding of caloric surplus and deficit and how it applies to either fat or muscle gain / loss.

What they choose to do with the info would be up to them after that.

making sense isnt allowed though
That is such bullshit and a complete cop out.

A staple of many countries around the world is rice which is cheap as shit and can be bought in 20lb bags for bugger all. Add some frozen vegetables and a cheap protein source.

It's so much easier to just play victim while scarfing down McDonalds or Taco Bell instead.

well maybe mcdonalds should offer rice and steamed chicken!
This is not and has never been true. I've been homeless poor and nothing is cheaper than a bag of beans. Rice is cheap as fuck. Chicken and eggs used to be within reach. I had a pay nothing job and one of the guys I worked with ate lunch at the soup kitchen behind the feed store I threw hay at. Fast food is convenient it is not cheaper
The "healthy food costs more" things comes from comparing something like 17 ounces of salmon vs 17 ounces of Doritos. It totally ignores the fact that you aren't going to eat 17 ounces of salmon in one sitting (probably at least two meals) while those Doritos will go down in ten minutes (and you'll still be hungry after).

The truth is it's not as convenient to eat healthy and it takes a little planning. People would rather watch tv and order uber eats.
That is such bullshit and a complete cop out.

A staple of many countries around the world is rice which is cheap as shit and can be bought in 20lb bags for bugger all. Add some frozen vegetables and a cheap protein source.

It's so much easier to just play victim while scarfing down McDonalds or Taco Bell instead.
Rice will cause weight gain because people tend to eat a lot of it, especially in developing countries, because it is cheap.

Over here (America) frozen pizza is very cheap for the amount of food you get. Quality veggies and meat is much more expensive.
Rice will cause weight gain because people tend to eat a lot of it, especially in developing countries, because it is cheap.

Over here (America) frozen pizza is very cheap for the amount of food you get. Quality veggies and meat is much more expensive.

Pizza is cheaper than a sack of brown rice for the same amount of calories? Bullshit, I straight out, do not believe you.

You DO NOT need lean, high quality meats and fresh vegetables from fucking whole foods. Get large bags of frozen vegetables from a costco etc and whatever decent protein source is on special at the time and you have hit all three macros and green veggies for micronutrients and fibre.

People are just lazy, fat fucks looking for excuses.