Report: Brock tested three times in last 2 weeks

they're trying to frame brock
I'm surprised he it hasn't been announced that he's pissed hot yet.
Which means give or take 2 weeks before a report.
Buy or Sell.. Brock makes it through usada testing for 5 months straight to fight Danny in January?

No doubt he comes in clean, this is a guy who is VERY experienced with testing and has only been nailed once. He has WWE money behind him so IF he was cheating, and I say IF because it is clear he is just a big, jacked white boy and not a cheat, he would have the best of the best - probably some new type of meat that makes horsemeat look like a McDonald's burger.

I think he was framed on that test, but that is just me
Brock is gonna get raped if he actually comes into the fight clean.
Don't worry, he'll still be a big sumbitch. His WWE contract requires minimal appearances; it's not like he's without time to lift.
Man if he really is off the juice his tits are gonna be the same as a 80 years old woman.
Brock is a 100% clean athlete

Brock said it himself "I'm a Jacked up white boy, deal with it"
Did he pass?

I give Lesnar props for doing he has done. Guy basically has the UFC, WWE and USADA by the balls. Goes to WWE whenever he wants. Fights in the UFC when he wants. Gets USADA to hide his test results till after the fight. Gets exemptions that no other fighter gets. And gets paid a ton, among the highest, for doing all this. And his fans love him and pay top dollar to watch him.

I remember watching Lesnar when he entered the WWE and his feud with RVD and the Hardy Boyz. He has come a looooong way from that.
First two times it dissolved the testing container?