rener gracie on fighting multiple attackers

I read the YouTube comments on this video and whoa...some haters went full retard.
why is fucking Wyatt from Weird Science trying to act like such a badass on this vid for?

watch out for the red slushie, dude
^ someone grabbing your GF's ass is sexual assault.
Completely agree.

if you watch some dude do that and don't do shit, you are not a man. sorry. sometimes you have to take an assbeating.
Completely disagree. If a drunken fool's ass grab is enough to jeopardize your self esteem, you have some growing up to do. I'm not saying it's OK that your gf is getting her ass grabbed--I'm saying that bashing someone's face and getting your face bashed really doesn't make anything better...Actually, it makes it worse. OK, so the other guy committed sexual assault. And your response is to commit assault? Going some place else is probably a more effective response.

one thing though, is people do not always have a reason to fight you. shit, you could be walking around baltimore and 4 guys will try to beat you up because of your color. you think you can reason with these people?
The best solution here is probably to avoid walking around parts of baltimore where guys are hiding in the shadows waiting to beat up people for the color of their skin.
Regarding the video from Rener, I'm not sure this has anything at all to do with GJJ, but it's all great advice nonetheless. It pretty much mirrors everything they teach law enforcement officers. Minus the weapons and calling for back up.

1) Do everything in your power to de-escalate the situation.

2) If a fight must happen, stun oppnent A and try to use him as a barrier between you and opponent B. You use this as a means of buying time in order to escape or deploy your weapons(mace, gun, etc).

3) Only use GRAPPLING skills in order to disengage and create distance in order to go back to step #2.

The way he lays it all out is pretty easy to understand. Thumbs up on this video.
Completely disagree. If a drunken fool's ass grab is enough to jeopardize your self esteem, you have some growing up to do.

it has nothing to do with your self esteem. i am going to die before i let some piece of shit assault anyone i love. most likely i won't die and i will fuck them up. sorry, but in the end i have to look at myself in the mirror everyday, and if i am that much of a pussy that would not be possible.

so, some dude walks up and punches your mother in the face, if you get mad and fight the guy it is because of your self esteem???

sorry, but this is beyond stupid and beyond being a fucking pussy.

if some "guys" want to allow random assholes to physically/sexually abuse their loved ones then i do not understand them and have absolutely no respect for them.
it would not even be a decision for me, just a natural reaction.
Completely agree.

Completely disagree. If a drunken fool's ass grab is enough to jeopardize your self esteem, you have some growing up to do. I'm not saying it's OK that your gf is getting her ass grabbed--I'm saying that bashing someone's face and getting your face bashed really doesn't make anything better...Actually, it makes it worse. OK, so the other guy committed sexual assault. And your response is to commit assault? Going some place else is probably a more effective response.

The best solution here is probably to avoid walking around parts of baltimore where guys are hiding in the shadows waiting to beat up people for the color of their skin.

Cant believe what im reading :eek:.....
Cant believe what im reading :eek:.....

Main difference I'm seeing are folks who imagine the ass grab taking place in fairly mundane settings, and those of us who see it taking place at a crowded club in a major city in what might be a funky part of town.

At the office Xmas cocktail party? Yeah you're going to have serious words with Bob from accounting for groping your wife. Outside Club BootyRocka in Oakland, stepping to some random guy that brushed up behind some girl you just met on the dance floor and took a squeeze? Not worth getting shot over, thanks.
I like the way Hener pressents GJJ. He does not sound like some of the Gracies who are saying that their Martial arts is the best in the world. Here you can see Rener gives credit to the Striking arts even advocates striking over grappling in a multiple opponent scenario and at the same time shows what practical aspects of grappling that can be used.

He even said they prefer the elbow.
it has nothing to do with your self esteem . . . i have to look at myself in the mirror everyday, and if i am that much of a pussy that would not be possible.

Er . . .

If the situation is done and over with, beating the guy up isn't solving any problems, or making any external situations any better. If that were happening repeatedly, then yeah, I'd kick his ass so he'd stop; but I have to be honest with myself and admit that even at that threshold there's still a pride factor at play.
Er . . .

If the situation is done and over with, beating the guy up isn't solving any problems, or making any external situations any better. If that were happening repeatedly, then yeah, I'd kick his ass so he'd stop; but I have to be honest with myself and admit that even at that threshold there's still a pride factor at play.

If I know I can beat the shit out of the guy then why not but what if he is big like Super big Beach muscle guy.