remember your first?


I'd rather be fishing
May 24, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I am new around here so go easy on me if I break some kind of sherdog protocall (sp?); I read stickys and used the search function so think I should be ok

So I've been training BJJ for about 2.5 months and generally been getting my ass kicked - pretty standard.

Today though, I actually tapped a blue belt when we were rolling with a gogoplata and it was about the most satisfying feeling I've had in some time. He then submitted me twice more in the remaining 4 minutes of the round. Little flashes of progress make the beatings so much more bearable.

Anyhow, I was just thinking it might be interesting to hear other peoples' first real solid submission stories. Also, I'm not fishing for compliments or 'atta boys', I just wanted to share my story with someone because my wife could not give less of a shit about grappling.

Anyone else remember the first time you tapped someone noticeably better than you or any other instances of generally turning a corner in grappling?
My first submission was in my first week of Ninjutsu before I started BJJ, and it was also my first time rolling with submissions. I hit a head and arm throw (which is about the only thing I got out several years of wrestling), and landed right in a kesa-katame position and just circled and put the pressure on until I got the tap. after that I rolled with the instructor and after a bit of a match he caught me in an armbar which I had never seen before at the time, and that was the first time I ever got submitted. Once I learned the armbar I began to wreak havoc on all the ninja's, and decided that I love submission grappling more than anything else, and started to seek out a BJJ Academy.

My first BJJ class I armbarred the student they let me roll with then a brown belt fucked me up. Then I did a trial at the school I ended up joining, and I armbarred all the students, and Paul (my current instructor) jumped on the mat and fucked me up. Then I learned the triangle :icon_chee

As for the first time I ever tapped somebody that would regularly kick my ass I remember that well. I was a 3 stripe white belt and this guy who was a high blue belt when I started always used to bust me up, anyway he took a break for a couple weeks and when he came back the playing field was much more even, and I was able to control and submit him.

lol, good times.
I had done judo as a kid but never gotten to the point where subs were introduced (age thing)

but then in high school we had a judo demo from a BB, he asked if there was anybody who had done judo I volunterd, he told me to hold a kesagatame so he could show that by technique you could get out even if the person holding you down were bigger, well I held on like my life depended on it and he tapped after a couple of minutes :)
I suck so I only sub whities.

My first day I caught some dude in a triangle, but it was his first day too so I guess it doesn't really count.

My second day I rolled with a couple of little 15 year olds. I caught one in an ezekiel and the other in an americana. I really felt like a man after that.
I suck so I only sub whities.

My first day I caught some dude in a triangle, but it was his first day too so I guess it doesn't really count.

My second day I rolled with a couple of little 15 year olds. I caught one in an ezekiel and the other in an americana. I really felt like a man after that.

I'll have you know that white people are still doing very well in this particular sport :icon_conf
I really felt like a man after that.

that's the worst - Its akward rolling with small guys who are also brand new to the sport because I just can use my weight (200#) to hold them down until they are tired. It's like 'yeah, I just tapped a guy who weighs 40# less than me.... sweet..."
I don't remember my first sub in training, but my first sub in a tourney, came in my first judo tournament and I took the guys back quickly and just slipped my arm underneath his neck while I was securing the hooks. He struggled for a while and I didn't have it sunk perfectly but he tapped. The guy has trained with me before and is good on the ground but I've caught him in tourneys every time we fight.

I do remember the first time I threw my sensei in practice. I caught him with a hip throw and knocked the wind out of him. I was pretty pleased.
at the first grappling club i went to- i got my *ss kicked for months; but i began to be able to def/control takedowns, to the point where i wasn't completely controlled and got to the point where i could avoid getting subbed in getting away, getting ontop or standing back up.

the first time i ever tapped someone was a guy w/a wrestling background, he leg tripped me; instantly reversed, he posted his arm and i rnc'd him.

judo class- got thrown against a black belt; he got the cross mount, i bucked up before he got position. He was up but quickly came back in on me, i got the guard and guilliotined him

1st bjj class-after getting handled for a few weeks, was in guard used a head crank to get him to open guard and heel hooked him for a tap.

submission wrestling class-kneebars
It wasn't my first submission, but my first RNC after seeing how Marcelo does it, with the hand open and head blocking and defense. That shit was so tight dude never stood a chance.
I was rolling with my brother just last week, I convinced him to let me put him in my guard (I think my 3rd time ever) as he postured up I hit an armbar on him, but since he is so much stronger than me he was about to get out when I hit an omaplata on him, I had to almost twist off his shoulder until he tapped, greatest moment in my life. P.S. Afterwards he then submitted me about 15 times.
God, I don't remember my first submission at all, its been a long time ago. And as far as tapping blues goes, there is such a huge difference in skill level with blue belts. Some blues I can completely handle, others can give me a hell of a time.

I did a lot of submission grappling for a while in an MMA club that was run by my buddy and myself. I was the resident BJJ guy with everyone else coming from wrestling backgrounds. My buddy came from a strong wrestling/catch wrestling background and could generally tap me 9.5 times out of 10 or something, generally with leglocks. We spent a lot of time doing leglock drills in fact, starting foot to foot and just going for it. Eventually one day while rolling we got into a leglock war and I straight ankle locked him. Felt great, it was like 1 of 2 times that I ever tapped the guy.
I'm still new to BJJ and havn't subbed anyone =/

But i'll post my first when it happends! hah
my first was actually the first of five, as in:
i pulled guard and armbar X 5
I typed out a new thread a few times, then deleted it. I think there should really be a sticky about beginning grappling, I know I searched for a while before I got some answers as to starting BJJ, most of which were helpful.
I typed out a new thread a few times, then deleted it. I think there should really be a sticky about beginning grappling, I know I searched for a while before I got some answers as to starting BJJ, most of which were helpful.

God, I don't remember my first submission at all, its been a long time ago.

Right there with you buddy. But I had my handful of asswhoppings. Now that I am the highest belt in my club, I miss getting my ass beat, since that is the only way to really get better IMO.
I have been training for 5 months and have gotten 1 legit sub on a another white with about the same experience as me. So it is borderline legit.

Everyone else I get my ass handed to me. I don't care, I love it.
I was a 4 strip white and there was a very experienced and heavier blue belt that always used to smash me. He took about a 3 month break while I got after it 3-4 times a week. When we met again we had an epic, back and forth 15 min roll before I caught him in an arm triangle. It was sweet.