registration of new users

Aas Gutú Adéli

Plutonium Belt
Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
I have a friend who's been wanting to register with Sherdog, but it says "registration closed."

He's been trying to join for the last week and hasn't been able to.
So he's biding his time on Yahoo! Answers

Any clue when he might be able join the Sherdog community?
When registration opens up again :)


Thanks Foz.
I suppose I'll assume that as you offered no hints as to when that might happen that the time of the opening is either not to be public knowledge or has not yet been decided.

If I said "pew pew pew" here would that cause trouble?
Is it a Foz TM?
hahaha, we're approving new users usernames in advance now. His name wouldn't be anything along the lines of "wamrage's raging boner" or somethng like that, would it?

Might be some time before he's approved.
His name's not "wamrage's raging boner", is it? He would draw all kinds of attention here on this mostly male forum.

Not implying anything. I'm just sayin .....

I'd hope not.
I have a couple of guesses what his name might be.

I do realize this question could 'enbolden' the enemy, but my friend is a real guy (if you were worrying about that).
Here is his website and his webcomic.

Also, from my experience you're suggested user name is too long to be used. :icon_cry2
Haha, for the record, I have no idea about registration but the question was brought up recently. We'll be able to tell you something soon.
Haha, for the record, I have no idea about registration but the question was brought up recently. We'll be able to tell you something soon.

He'll appreciate that.
So will I.

It'd be good if we could both be rambling about Sherdog forum stories, opposed to me telling him what is up on Sherdog and him telling me what is going on at Yahoo! Answers.

Though, we'd probably learn more through diversification.

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