Receive notification when you are quoted?

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The Passion

Orange Belt
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
I at least tried to find if this in the search, so sorry if it has already been brought up...

Can we get some kind of a notification when someone quotes us? An option of getting either a site or email notification would be good.

I also can't figure out how to find out if anyone has replied to a post other than searching the subscribed threads. I know about the envelope thing for a thread, but I'm talking about a reply to my post within someone elses thread...if you are going to make fun of the newb, at least give me an answer afterword! :wink:
Wouldn't be economical.

You could just do the quote button such as:

CaNaDiAn'ChAmP- said:
I smell like teh chicken nuggets! mmmm mac time macdonalds!

And no doubt, i just made up what he said, so whats the point if someone just fake quotes you?

Fozzy said:
Wouldn't be economical.

You could just do the quote button such as:

And no doubt, i just made up what he said, so whats the point if someone just fake quotes you?


Altering a quote! BAN!
:p im just saying, whats the point if anyone could just change the words?

seems like a waste of resources

Other way around; if someone is misquoting me, that's even more of a reason that I would like a notification saying I had been quoted somewhere. That way I could either set straight what was actually said or alert a moderator that someone is posting fake quotes.
hmmmm. I suppose.

but meh. I see both sides to this. Who knows.

I am reposting on here because I really think this is a good idea that needs to be implemented, and so I wanted to bring it up for a second look.

I have wasted time on here rechecking posts to see if someone got back to me, but only to find that the new posts are about something else besides my question/comment. It would save people a lot of hassle if they could just go back to a thread when they get a notification telling them they have been responded to.
i think the notifications would get annoying for people who post alot (like me) and don't really want an email or pm cluttering things up just cause of a quote. checking back to the thread is no problem, and imo, if you haven't been quoted often to where you're checking back and no one quotes you; your posts aren't worthwhile enough and maybe consider making more profound thought out posts.

otherwise like i said, it's not that hard to click on a thread and scroll down, and go back if you didn't see anything to spark your interest
fanattic said:
i think the notifications would get annoying for people who post alot (like me) and don't really want an email or pm cluttering things up just cause of a quote. checking back to the thread is no problem, and imo, if you haven't been quoted often to where you're checking back and no one quotes you; your posts aren't worthwhile enough and maybe consider making more profound thought out posts.

otherwise like i said, it's not that hard to click on a thread and scroll down, and go back if you didn't see anything to spark your interest

You could turn it on or off in the control panel...and set it to certain threads/posts.
fanattic said:
if you haven't been quoted often to where you're checking back and no one quotes you; your posts aren't worthwhile enough and maybe consider making more profound thought out posts.

You're just pissed because I accused you of post whoring in the other thread. 4,900 posts in less than a year? Get a life. I have been on here since 2005 and am still a white belt. I assure you, my posts are more profound than yours.

You are the only person on here that disagrees with me besides Fozzy, and I don't know what his deal is. The fact that you have post whored your way to a brown belt does not mean your word has any more weight than mine.
The Passion said:
You're just pissed because I accused you of post whoring in the other thread. 4,900 posts in less than a year? Get a life. I have been on here since 2005 and am still a white belt. I assure you, my posts are more profound than yours.

You are the only person on here that disagrees with me besides Fozzy, and I don't know what his deal is. The fact that you have post whored your way to a brown belt does not mean your word has any more weight than mine.

I'm not disagreeing with you.

I'm TELLING you it won't happen, it's not viable within the code to my knowledge.

Fozzy said:
I'm not disagreeing with you.

I'm TELLING you it won't happen, it's not viable within the code to my knowledge.


Oh, why didn't you say so in the first place? Well if that's the case, I can understand. I thought you were just brushing me off before.
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