Reading Nietzsche here is what I think

Ah we have philosphical genious here do we ? If you were 10% his power you would be beast.. But alas your just a mere mortal with shit for brains .. Maybe thats a little harsh.. But in intellectually levels its probably pretty close.. As i am .. Shit for brains that is .. It always amazes me that prolls can have such an ego they can criticize such tour de force thinkers ..

You try thinking orginally like these guys .. Try it and fucking fail ..
If you're also shit for brains then you're in no position to post... or shitpost ratherOffbeatAgreeableCutworm-small.gif
I see a bunch of Sherdog movie buffs on this conversation. Have you seen Who'll Stop the Rain? I think it has an interesting take on Nietzsche regarding nihilism.

I have not seen it no. This is what I think of when you say Who'll Stop the Rain.

I have not seen it no. This is what I think of when you say Who'll Stop the Rain.

It’s based on book Dog Soldiers and that’s what the movie was called too, until producers got rights to that song and changed the name of the movie.
Them thoughts is pretty nichey is what they is.