RDA with 'Maury povich' looking JACKED

That's RDA's dad.

Easy win for Islam. NodoubtssshereeesherBROZZZAZ
i really hope RDA has this.
Same I have Islam winning this but I think it's a decision win

Most likely a decision. Islam wins decisions for the most part and RDA historically is almost impossible to finish. The wildcard here is how RDA will perform at 155 now that he's older, given that he hasn't fought at that weight in years, and iirc moved up cause the weight cut became too tough on him.
So is he the father? That’s how this fucking goes, TS. Don’t keep us waiting.
Most likely a decision. Islam wins decisions for the most part and RDA historically is almost impossible to finish. The wildcard here is how RDA will perform at 155 now that he's older, given that he hasn't fought at that weight in years, and iirc moved up cause the weight cut became too tough on him.
Imagine if RDA wins though.

I don't see that happening but it would be interesting

Watch out Islam, the lie detector determined, you're not winning the fight!

Who do you guys favor? I think it should be a good fight

The joke doesnt work too well when there is close to 0 resemblance
LMAO. Had to stare for 30 seconds before I realized it's not maury. Then I still had to scroll down to make sure <36>
Maury is way taller. Probably more jacked too, even at like 97.
Doesn't look very natural.
His abdomen shows steroid pattern usage.
looking at the hashtags it's getting clear that Jesus loves making Brazilians jacked.
THIS is a real warrior, not Cerrone.


Winning or losing: WAR RDA!!