Media Rampage saying he cheated in the UFC

Seems more like he was talking about it when he was in Japan and not as much in the UFC.
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this just shows all of the things guys will do to gain an advantage at the top level in sports.
I remember when Kerr shaved his head so that when he used his head against a guy the roughness would make him more uncomfortable

or the stories about some guys not showering on purpose

This is how some motherfuckers be thinkin!
I remember when Kerr shaved his head so that when he used his head against a guy the roughness would make him more uncomfortable

or the stories about some guys not showering on purpose

This is how some motherfuckers be thinkin!
I’ve heard of those stories, the not showering is real gross. Guys using extra Vaseline, basically everyone using some kind of PED. The list goes on.
Seems more like he was talking about it when he was in Japan and not as much in the UFC.
Yeah, but as he says - it probably wasn't even illegal in pride, only frowned upon*shrug*
GSP fought with vaseline on his feet? That is pretty dope though. Respect....That explains his training technique-

No on his back so the small Bj Penn doesn't have a chance playing high guard or any guard and George can bully him.
No on his back so the small Bj Penn doesn't have a chance playing high guard or any guard and George can bully him.
Yeah I was kidding bro.

That people think that was intentional cheating is pretty laugable though. There are so many ways to cheat if your goal is to be slippery, but they chose to do it in front of the ref, the audience, the other fighter and his team, AND in front of the cameras, without even trying to hide it. Right.
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this just shows all of the things guys will do to gain an advantage at the top level in sports.
This is pretty much in all things. People will cheat in a meaningless board game just to get a win. When you add other things like money and prestige it becomes even more profound.
Ronda has really disgusting feet. But what exactly is the cause of the discoloration here
Rampage when he used to post on sherdog, he actually posted his phone number on here and some posters did call and talk to him. This was around the time of his early PRIDE run.