Rampage admits Jones knee kicks messed up his knees

It doesn't matter. Those kicks are not destroying knees? Good. Those kicks are destroying knees? Good. In both causes they should be allowed. I wanna see effective stuff, becasue it's a god damns ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP, not fucking volleyball.

Exactly!!! Lets go back to Vale Tudo no rules!!!!

I wanna see attacks to the groin and eyes!!!:icon_twis
This isn't a video game.

These are real people trying to make a living for themselves and their families.

These mini push-kicks and side-kicks to the knees are meant to hyper-extend your knees. That's the entire objective of it..

you've seen what happens to fighters that have knee surgeries. At the least, they're losing 1 year of their prime in their career. On top of that, a lot of them never return the same.

I know a lot of people hate Rampage these days, so they don't care if he's hurt.

but say, he fought Gus in a rematch at breaks Gus' kneecap which causes Gus to be sidelined for 2 years... like how Cruz has been. How would you guys feel?

Yes it's not a video game and - people always has a chanse to choose something different than thing which is about fighting as much similar to "real" fight as it possible. Second thing is - HEAD kick is much more dangerous than knee kicks, becaue they always can be lethal. Even stupid PUNCHES TO THE HEAD CAN BE DEADLY. Few days ago another boxer passed away on the ring because of punches to head, but you don't give a fu*k because that weren't strikes to a kneecap? ;) So if it's not video game, are strikes to the head should be illegal? :icon_neut Man, if you don't wanna hurt your knees or brain then you should choose other thing that fighting. Simply.
Exactly!!! Lets go back to Vale Tudo no rules!!!!

I wanna see attacks to the groin and eyes!!!:icon_twis

Mee too and I'm not kidding. Todays rules sucks. I wish today we ve got 90's stuff.
What about poking the eyes of your opponent? It's effective, should it be allowed? Or knee to the groin? Pretty effective. Is effective the only important criteria like you seem to say so?

I would love to see "no rules" stuff allowed today, but I can easly understand why eye gouge etc are illegal. Unlike headbutts, or desire to make illegal moves like knee kicking. It's fucking nonsense. If you don't wanna see hurted people, go watch non-martial arts sports.
Rampage said it!!!!!

Un-fucking believable all this talk about career ending injuries and the only fucking example cited is somethign said by one of the biggest bullshitters in MMA, who has fought multiple times since the supposed incident and has also just signed a new contract.

His career aint over.

Its fucking embarrasing how people can hold such strong opinions about somethign they have clearly not even thought about.
fucks sake who keeps bumping this? Rampage's knees THAT interesting?
Rampage just admitted on his new reality show that Jon Jones knee kicks fvked up his knees from their fight. So apparently its ok to potentially mess up someone knee with a fast side kick but a slowly applied heel hook is a 'deadly technique'.:eek:

Amazing all the hypocrisy coming out of MMA these days.

BTW here is the clip from the show:


How is it hypocritical? Clearly you need a fucking dictionary, because you don't know the meaning of that word.

There is a HUGE fucking difference between a guy holding a submission hold AFTER his opponent has tapped, and continuing to do damage, and a guy who is using a LEGAL fucking kick to an opponent's knee. Rampage could have tapped if he was in such pain, and guess what, Jones would have stopped kicking him.
Rampage never bothered to defend leg kicks during his career and now his knees hurt. Go figure.

Jones will not break Gustafson's knee. Gustafson defends leg kicks.

Didn't defend kicks to the face though.
Rampage said it!!!!!

Un-fucking believable all this talk about career ending injuries and the only fucking example cited is somethign said by one of the biggest bullshitters in MMA, who has fought multiple times since the supposed incident and has also just signed a new contract.

His career aint over.

Its fucking embarrasing how people can hold such strong opinions about somethign they have clearly not even thought about.

he mentioned these knee-cap kicks right after their fight. He just didn't talk about how much it hurt him.
he mentioned these knee-cap kicks right after their fight. He just didn't talk about how much it hurt him.

He may have mentioned the kicks, BUT he is the only fighter complaining about them and he sstill fighting and just signed a new contract.

So where is this career ending shit coming from, can't be Rampage as his career is not over.
So where is this career ending shit coming from, can't be Rampage as his career is not over.

Not career ending but he blames the injury from the kicks for his poor performances in the Bader and Texeira fights.

Also says that he tore his meniscus prior to the Bader fight in training due to the recurring injury from when Jones hyper-extended his knee with a kick.
Not career ending but he blames the injury from the kicks for his poor performances in the Bader and Texeira fights.

Also says that he tore his meniscus prior to the Bader fight in training due to the recurring injury from when Jones hyper-extended his knee with a kick.

So the jury may be out on career effecting, but do you agree that the "career ending" claim is so far completely baseless? If not why not.
Why didn't rampage defend himself from kicks is my question
Seems to be a lot of people attempting to down play the hypocrisy of the UFC's saying nothing about Jones' kicks to the knee while attempting to make Palhares' performance against Pierce a deadly, career ending performance. Dana was on ESPN talking about how dangerous the leglock is but says nothing about the kicks to the knee from Jones.

Its a double standard clearly.

The truth is Palhares did nothing wrong and they were looking for an excuse, any excuse, to get him off the roster. And they found one. And many of you have ate it up hook, line and sinker.

The UFC also looks the other way on Jones' numerous eye gouging attempts, but again, demonizes Palhares in the media for what was nothing more or less than an impressive performance.

The fact so many "fans" are in this thread attempting to down play Sohei's points tells me he has hit home with those who count.
Seems to be a lot of people attempting to down play the hypocrisy of the UFC's saying nothing about Jones' kicks to the knee while attempting to make Palhares' performance against Pierce a deadly, career ending performance. Dana was on ESPN talking about how dangerous the leglock is but says nothing about the kicks to the knee from Jones.

Its a double standard clearly.

The truth is Palhares did nothing wrong and they were looking for an excuse, any excuse, to get him off the roster. And they found one. And many of you have ate it up hook, line and sinker.

The UFC also looks the other way on Jones' numerous eye gouging attempts, but again, demonizes Palhares in the media for what was nothing more or less than an impressive performance.

The fact so many "fans" are in this thread attempting to down play Sohei's points tells me he has hit home with those who count.

Please tell me why the UFC should say anything about Jones' knee kicks. It is a legal technique. Continuing after the ref intervenes is not.

It's not a double standard. Know why? Because those knee kicks are LEGAL and holding onto a sub after the ref steps in is ILLEGAL.

And they didn't need an excuse to get him off the roster you conspiracy theorist twat. They had a legit reason in him continuing after the ref had intervened.

Anyway, I know you refuse to acknowledge the facts regarding the Palhares cut. But you will have to deal with the fact that he's cut and there isn't anything you can do to reverse it, which is awesome. :)

So keep on with your baseless UFC conspiracy theories that lack FACTS and EVIDENCE. If you truly believe your ridiculous theory, post a thread about it and watch as people shit on it due to lack of facts and significant evidence through reliable sources. Go ahead, I'll wait. Post it in the Wasteland to save the mods some time. :)
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Seems to be a lot of people attempting to down play the hypocrisy of the UFC's saying nothing about Jones' kicks to the knee while attempting to make Palhares' performance against Pierce a deadly, career ending performance. Dana was on ESPN talking about how dangerous the leglock is but says nothing about the kicks to the knee from Jones.

Its a double standard clearly.

The truth is Palhares did nothing wrong and they were looking for an excuse, any excuse, to get him off the roster. And they found one. And many of you have ate it up hook, line and sinker.

The UFC also looks the other way on Jones' numerous eye gouging attempts, but again, demonizes Palhares in the media for what was nothing more or less than an impressive performance.

The fact so many "fans" are in this thread attempting to down play Sohei's points tells me he has hit home with those who count.

come on man, use your brain.
Palhares didnt let go after the ref called it.

If you have to make a primitive analogy, Jones continuing to kick an opponent after the round ends would be more suited
Not career ending but he blames the injury from the kicks for his poor performances in the Bader and Texeira fights.

Also says that he tore his meniscus prior to the Bader fight in training due to the recurring injury from when Jones hyper-extended his knee with a kick.

i believe that. i think the problem is that rampage does more complaining than anything else these days. I feel for him in one sense,but in the end,hes just not gonna be able to compete with most of the new breed no matter what favorable conditions he is given. Guy wouldve destroyed tito in his prime,and he had to sign a fight with busted up fractured skull tito to look good again,and even that didnt turn out.
I read this earlier, they had to remove a part of his skull.

To emphasize how much more dangerous mma is, you can kick your opponent in the cranium.

If your genuinely concerned with kick to the knees, you need to be alarmed at the risk of punches to the brain!

I completely agree with you! Hypocrites which thinkinh that damaging brain is ok but damaging knee is bad, are fu*kicng hillarious.