Quick Muscle



I will be working a club as a bouncer in about a month and i want to pack on as much muscle as possible. What excercises should I do and at what durruation? What muscles are important to get that bouncer intimidation look? I'm thinking focus a lot on squats and forearm and neck excercises. Also alot of clean and presses. Any help will be appriciated.
I thought this thread was going to be about fast twitch muscles.

So you want to look scary? Take up bodybuilding and get a tear drop tattoo.
You might be able to intimidate them with your looks and actions, but that won't help you when you get stabbed in the back, or followed home after work by a gang with bats.

Treat the patrons with respect, and you won't need to look scary.
Be polite. Not kind, polite.
I worked doors before and that's what worked best for me. Keep an Iceman's face and a soldier's posture. Don't trash talk, it's useless. You want to be as rational and comprehensive with people UNTIL the shit hits the fan.

Personally I would recommend a modified super squats routine. Something like this

20 rep squats (only one set)
Stiff legged deadlifts 8-12 for 3 sets
Bench press 8-12 for 3 sets
BB Rows 8-12 for 3 sets
Standing press 8-12 for 3 sets
Weighted chinups 8-12 for 3 sets
Heavy abwork (you choose what's convenient) 8-12 for 3 sets
BB curls for the chicks 8-12 for 3 sets
Wrist roller to close the day, do it the way you like it but you've got to make it hard

3 times a week.
Not only this routine will pack muscle on you, it'll actually make you quite a bit stronger in a short time.
boooya777 said:
I will be working a club as a bouncer in about a month and i want to pack on as much muscle as possible. What excercises should I do and at what durruation? What muscles are important to get that bouncer intimidation look? I'm thinking focus a lot on squats and forearm and neck excercises. Also alot of clean and presses. Any help will be appriciated.

There is no exact answer since it is largely dependant on your fiber type distribution, fiber type percentages, neurological efficiency in a given movement, etc. Even so, the optimal method for increasing mass is by increasing the motor unit recruitment patterns coupled with increased fiber activation percentages.

Conclusive research proves that multi jointed movements elicit the greatest recruitment of muscle fibers. Therefore squats, deadlifts, standing barbell presses and barbell rows should form the foundation of your routine. Also, research has shown that squats and deadlifts cause the largest natural secretion of testosterone and growth hormone compared to any other movements.

The following principles enabled me to put on 20 lbs of fairly clean muscle in a few months without the use of chemicals:

* Increase your carb and protein intake and make sure you're eating at least 6 to 8 meals a day.

* Every 2 or 3 weeks, further increase your caloric intake and eat to the point of puking for 5 days straight, then wait a few weeks and repeat. Don't do this for more than 4 or 5 days since your system won't handle the extreme calories for longer than about 5 days.

* Supplements are exactly that, "supplements." You're primary protein calories should be derived from steak, fish, turkey, chicken, milk and eggs. Your carbs should be derived from vegetables, fruit, whole grains, whole pastas, beans, seeds and nuts.

* In order to gain mass, eat every 2 or 3 hours. This can become unrealistic for most, so this is where a good old protein drink comes in handy between meals.

* Get plenty of rest and sleep 7 hours, given that this is the time the body creates the adaptation for growth.

Massive eating habits alone will not put on the type of muscle you desire. As such the following principles are basic guidelines to follow:

With hypertrophy as your goal, the concensus is that 8-12 reps using approximately 60 - 80% of your single rep max is ideal. Employ the use of 3 sets of 4 exercises with 10 to 12 reps with an emphasis on a slow and controlled descent with the intent of taxing the muscle during the entire movement.

Your rest for hypertrophy based lifting is ideally 30 seconds to 1 minute since your objective is not to allow the muscle to fully recover, thereby allowing you to tax it further.

I don
Is there any reason why you do your rotatorwork before you do your pressing movements?
I perform rotator work before all pushing, pulling and heavy bag work.

The reasons are clear and simple; namely that upon attaining a fair degree of strength in both pushing and pulling movements, the delicate rotator complex is left severely imbalanced and lacking in strength.

A chain is only as strong as your weakest link, as such if a lifter has a 500 bench, yet has the rotator strength of a 270 lb bencher, clearly there are problems that need to be addressed, or an injuries will occur, there are no to ways about it. Sadly, this dilemma is very common amongst lifters.

I know why you should perform rotator work (Sorry if my question was not clear, foreign language you know).
I wanted to know why you dont perform them e.g. before squatting. Because especially my benching felt a little bit uncomfortable when i performed my rortator work before (because the "rotator-muscles" were fatigued).
I also would like to know, how much emphasize you put on external compared to internal rotator work. Thx.
graedy said:
I know why you should perform rotator work (Sorry if my question was not clear, foreign language you know).

My bad
awesome advice guys. Time to get ready! *puts on black security shirt*
boooya777 said:
awesome advice guys. Time to get ready! *puts on black security shirt*

I recommend a blue golf shirt with white pants.

boooya777 said:
I'm thinking focus a lot on squats and forearm and neck excercises. Also alot of clean and presses. Any help will be appriciated.

Keep the squats but ditch all the other notions you have in this post. The forearm and neck size will come as a by-product of building some real muscle overall. Don't spend your time working for spot improvements of these tiny muscle groups (forearm and neck are detail work).

Clean and presses are for explosive power not hypertrophy and muscle bulk building.

Focus on 'the big three'. Bench, squat, deadlift. Build your program around those lifts and supplement them with other heavy compound multi-joint lifts.

Nutrition: Is going to even more important than the lifting program. You have to eat big to get big. Without the diet to back up the workouts you will not put on the size.
this is sad trying to look hard man if your a bad ass people will know. all the muscle in the world will not help when people pull out that strap take it from me ive been bouncing for ten years all over phx and the best way is passive aggressive until shit gets physical take em down and take um down hard.
FCFighter316 said:
this is funny, since all the fighters at my gym who are bouncers always fuck with people since basically no one can touch them... but maybe ur not a fighter which will just be plain sucky when people start shit with you

I'm a grappler. But fucking with people gives you nothing and what tells you, if you're at the door, that the guy doesn't pack a knife or a gun? All the fighting ability in the world won't help against a backstab. There is no reward to being an ass, except thinking to yourself that you are so cool.

Be polite. That should be the golden rule. That way you won't start shit with people who aren't looking to start shit, and the people who do are going to do so anyhow. You don't need more of them. Be polite.
Yeah, FCF, no one is untouchable.

Every bouncer I've known keeps his head on a swivel.
you should do alot of grip strenth stuff, like wrist rollers, grippers, stuff like that, that way you can grab people by the back of their necks and kick their ass's out....but hopefully, you wont have to...
AxeGrinder said:
you should do alot of grip strenth stuff, like wrist rollers, grippers, stuff like that, that way you can grab people by the back of their necks and kick their ass's out....but hopefully, you wont have to...

yeah thats all great and stuff but your forgeting one element people tend to go to clubs and bars in groups which means as soon as you snatch ol johnny by the colar you got his buddy flying at of left field catching you with a hail mary punch bringing your bouncing career spiraling to the concrete. just play it safe stay stern but at the sane time treat the customers with the same respect you would want for your self its better to defuse the situation before it gets to a physical altercation
awesome advice guys. I want to be a nice guy on the job o and i loved that movie with patrick swayze. "Be nice until it's time to not be nice."

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