Questions on Two-Day Split


Orange Belt
Nov 10, 2007
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Alright guys, after reading the FAQ I decided I'm going to start the two day split that's in there. For those that don't know, it's:

Day one:
Overhead press
Weighted pullup/chinup

Day two:
Bent over row

So I have two questions.

1) What set/rep scheme should I use for all exercises? I was thinking 5x5 for Squat and deadlift, then 3x5 for the rest. Would this work?

2) How would I incorporate cleans into my routine? What rep/set schemes would I use for those?

Thank you all in advance for any replies.
I'm a noob so don't think this post is aimed at giving routine advice. I would check out the Training Logs for routines that incorporate Cleans. There are a lot of people who keep a Log that incorporate all kinds of Olympic lifting into their routines.
How many times per week are you going to do this split? After I compete in May here is what my workouts are going to look like for awhile, maybe it can give you some ideas.

Day 1- Upper
Bench Press- 5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
Pull Downs or Chinups- 6x10-12
Incline DB Press- 2-3x10-12
arms and rear delts- a few sets

Day 2- Lower
Band Snatch- 5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
Power Squat- 5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
Leg Ext/Curl/Calf Raise- a few sets of whatever

Day 3- Upper
Military Press-5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
One Arm Row- 6x10-15
Flat DB Press or Pushups- 2-3xwhatever
arms and rear delts- a few sets

Day 4- Lower
Band Cleans-5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
Deadlifts- 5-8x1, 6x3-5(Doug Hepburn-B)
Shrugs- a bunch of sets and reps
Leg ext/curl/calf raise- whatever

Now on the lower days I am going to do some alternating every other workout. For instance...

lower day 1
band snatch alternated with regular snatch
Power Squat alternated with SSB Squats

lower day 2
band cleans alternated with regular cleans
regular deadlifts alternated with Hex bar deadlifts

I'll only be lifting 3x per week also. Sometimes when I get burned out doing the Hepburn set and rep cycle I plan on doing some of the Bryce Lane 50/20 to give a change of pace. My goal is to build my base up much larger so I may have a shot at one day hitting the 500-400-600 marks in the big 3 and 110/140kg in the Snatch and C&J.

Hope this helps a bit.
I googled Doug Hepburn and I found this article:

I had never heard of this guy. I'm quite interested in his training methods.

In his prime, Hepburn had lifted 760 pounds on the squat, 705 in the deadlift, 440 in the press and 580 in the bench. He was the first man to ever bench press over 500 pounds. More impressive is the fact that his lifts were before the age of steroids, bench suits and all the other crap that's used today.

Add to that the lack of sports supplements (protein powders, creatine, beta-alanine, dextrose, etc. He only ate whole food.

Doug Hepburn's Championship Routine


Cleans 10 x 2
Bench Press 1 x 5; 6 x 2
Squats 1 x 5; 6 x 3


Snatch 10 x 2
Bench Press 1 x 5; 6 x 2
Squats 1 x 5; 6 x 3


Press 10 x 2
Bench Press 1 x 5; 6 x 2
Squats 1 x 5; 6 x 3

Remarkably the shit that works has not changed much for the last 60 years.

Is the 1X5 set a warm-up?

If anyone has any additional literature or knowledge please post. Thanks Meatplow!
I googled Doug Hepburn and I found this article:

I had never heard of this guy. I'm quite interested in his training methods.

Add to that the lack of sports supplements (protein powders, creatine, beta-alanine, dextrose, etc. He only ate whole food.

Remarkably the shit that works has not changed much for the last 60 years.

Is the 1X5 set a warm-up?

If anyone has any additional literature or knowledge please post. Thanks Meatplow!

Thanks for that link, it was a great read. I think I'm going to give his routine a try. My only concern is: Squats last? Why would they be after bench? He obviously knew what he was doing and was strong as hell, but for a n00b trainee like myself, should I put the squats first (second after cleans/snatch, but before bench).
Here is a good article from Mike Mahler on Hepburn. It will tell you how to use his rep/set scheme.

I know two other guys on another forum and they have made tremendous progress using the Hepburn routine. One of them is 48 years old and right now he is setting PRs on nearly every workout.
Here is a good article from Mike Mahler on Hepburn. It will tell you how to use his rep/set scheme.

I know two other guys on another forum and they have made tremendous progress using the Hepburn routine. One of them is 48 years old and right now he is setting PRs on nearly every workout.
For those who don't know, MeatPlow knows his shit. Listen to him.
all these figures and routines are frying my little mind lol, apart from the Doug hepburn Routine which looks awsome. Is it rep/sets or sets/reps?
for me it will be

power sets:

5-8 sets of 1 rep- (staring at 5 singles and adding a single each workout until I reach 8 singles then add weight)

Pump Sets
6 sets of 3 reps and the progression like explained in the Hepburn routine. Like this:
6x3 first workout (3-5 min rest)
5x3 and 1x4 second workout
6x4 seventh w/o
5x4 and 1x5 eight
6x5 thirteenth w/o
add weight and go back to 6x3

did that help?