Yes And yes.
A lot of wrong answers here.
1. First of all, you never use supplements all the time, but you go on a cure of lets say 6-7 weeks, And then off for twelve, And on again. After twelve weeks you will feel a lot of the effect go off, but your muscles And strength And cardio will last much longer. It all depends on what you Take. A year after, you will of course still have effect on the work you put in, but far from what you had 2 months after.
2. Newer research has proven that musclecells produced by steroids never go away, And also musclememory stays forever. That means that if you used steroids at 18, And stop using, you will still gain a big advantage when you are 40. That means that guys that train to be pro athletes should start using steroids at a young age, And they will always be superior than the guys that didn't. So they can stop when the drugtests start...