Hello all how are ya'll doin? I'm kinda new here I've been off and on.
I've trained TKD for a few years, and at home on the bag off and on. I've come a long way physically, but as well as fight experience I'd have to admit I have NONE!
Anyways, this is a SELF DEFENSE question. I would like to have the confidence and ability to be able to defend myself or others properly from any trouble that occures. Recently I've had a few run-ins with "JERKS" who act tought and basically disturb the public peace. I've really questioned wether or not to get involved.
I've alreayd almost got in a few fights due to the fact people here in southern california take a "glance" or "stare" as a challenge even if the stare is out of curiousity. This has arisen some serious deep internal need for the proper self-defense mechanism or technique or whatever.
ANYWAYS! All this BS and ranting aside, if anybody can give me a regiment to give me a guaranteed way to develop "Knock-out" power, I would appreciate it. I know the basics of punching/boxing and I know I can generate a good power, or possibly knock someone out if I wanted to, but the fact is I need to have some kind of repetition or regimen I can build off of STRICTLY for self-defense.
Thank you all
I've trained TKD for a few years, and at home on the bag off and on. I've come a long way physically, but as well as fight experience I'd have to admit I have NONE!
Anyways, this is a SELF DEFENSE question. I would like to have the confidence and ability to be able to defend myself or others properly from any trouble that occures. Recently I've had a few run-ins with "JERKS" who act tought and basically disturb the public peace. I've really questioned wether or not to get involved.
I've alreayd almost got in a few fights due to the fact people here in southern california take a "glance" or "stare" as a challenge even if the stare is out of curiousity. This has arisen some serious deep internal need for the proper self-defense mechanism or technique or whatever.
ANYWAYS! All this BS and ranting aside, if anybody can give me a regiment to give me a guaranteed way to develop "Knock-out" power, I would appreciate it. I know the basics of punching/boxing and I know I can generate a good power, or possibly knock someone out if I wanted to, but the fact is I need to have some kind of repetition or regimen I can build off of STRICTLY for self-defense.
Thank you all