Movies Quentin Tarantino Names The Top 11 Films of All Time

These threads are always ass, cos people cant tell the difference between 'greatest' and their 'favourite'.

Like this guy

It's kind of hard to try and name favorites, but I guess (Not necessarily in any order) I would have to say...

1. Goodfellas
2. Rocky
3. The Wrestler
4. Full Metal Jacket
5. 2001:A Space Odyssey
6. The Matrix
7. American History X
8. Shashank Redemption
9. Stand By Me
10. Once Upon a time in Hollywood
11. The Departed

Not to sound a total hipster, but any GOAT films list cannot possibly exist without at least 1 Akira Kurosawa film - Seven Samurai or Ran, for instance.

This guy lists, almost exclusively, Hollywood schlock, that are more accurately described as his personal favourites (the Departed isnt anywhere near Scorcese's best, let alone GOAT film).
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No its not. If you've seen these movies it explains his movies. Especially de palmas movies.

Hipster detected :D Seriously though I'm sure they're good movies, but that's a pretty obscure list.
highly debate able

Name a better one
Here's my list, not neccessarily in order, reflecting teenage years being dragged to an art cinema by my dad:

1) Redbeard (Akira Kurosawa)
2) Before Sunset (Richard Linklater)
3) The Celebration (Thomas Vinterberg)
4) Blade Runner (Ridley Scottt)
5) Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman)
6) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford)
7) Apocalypse Now (Coppola)
8) Some Like it Hot (Billy Wilder)
9) Jules et Jim (Truffaut)
10) Manhattan (Woody Allen)
11) La Cittá della Donne (Fellini)

Edit: Argh. Der Himmel Über Berlin by Wim Wenders needs to be on there... but I can't figure out what film to take off. Call it 12.

Tons of stuff that didn't make it on to here. Could easily do an alternate 11.
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@Quentin T. is a hack!

His list is a hack's ramblings.

He did make a coupla decent remakes tho.
Hipster detected :D Seriously though I'm sure they're good movies, but that's a pretty obscure list.

Beyond the age of the films its really not, I would say that from your list the Kubrick films, the Wrestler and indeed Once Upon A Time in Hollywood are all more on the arty side were as Tarantino's list is much more classic Hollywood and pulp cinema.

Indeed I think Tarantino makes a bit of a persona for himself(especially from the 00's onwards) as someone who only loves pulp cinema and classic Hollywood, yes his films obviously draw on that kind of cinema for their content but he's never just trying recreate the style of them, they have always had an arty more self aware side to them. I mean he named his production company A Band Apart after a Goddard film which style wise is I think a pretty clear influence on his work and indeed I think that's why Pulp Fiction won Cannes back in the day, if it were purely a conventional crime thriller it would never have had a chance but it was recognised as having half a foot in arty meta cinema.

I suspect part of that is that as his fame grew he liked to be seen as more of the originator of that kind of meta cinema when in reality it dates back to at least the 60's. Kubrick as well for me is pretty clearly along those lines albeit more focused on visuals a lot of the time, the second half of Full Metal Jacket though to me feels pretty Tarantinoish with the scenes built around jukebox soundtracks and the larger than life dialog.
Zer not wanting to participate in a gangbang...

Now i've seen everything.
@Zer's carnal wisdom and sexual prowess shine through the darkness of blissful ignorance once again.

Fangirls =/= Fungirls.

Especially when they are Nolan's fangirls.
Gangbang with those is worse than a circle jerk between Frodo Krueger, Edmond Scissorhands and Handsome:

What an asshole list by that asshole, blow out?
Who the fuck is he kidding
Man I deleted that post because I didn't want to get gangbanged by Nolan fangirls. Have a heart and edit the post to say De Palma is overrated or something

Own it.

Fuck Nolan.
No lethal weapon

No die hard

No terminator 1&2

Literally every time 100+ professional film critics from around the world gather up to make a list of the 100 greatest movies of all time, Gladiator, Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan are nowhere to be found. Either the whole world is retarded or it's just you.

Yet all of them won Oscars didnt they? And saving private ryan is still the GOAT war movie. Movie critics can keep sniffing their own farts if they dont like these movies.
Nothing newer than 1981.

I don't take any film buff like this seriously when they give you a list.

Its like asking a hipster what their favorite artist is. They have to pick old and obscure shit as an ego thing.
What kind of a hipster dork doesn't have Heat in their top 11 films of all time?
Nothing newer than 1981.

I don't take any film buff like this seriously when they give you a list.

Its like asking a hipster what their favorite artist is. They have to pick old and obscure shit as an ego thing.

These directors lists are almost always stuff they grew up with rather than contemporaries to the agree I think that's pretty much expected.

In reality I think if this list is hipsterish its more in that it glories in pop culture over "art", Tarantino is more Warhol than some abstract post impressionist.