
It seems like you're asking about the concept of reality and possibly using art and philosophy to frame the question. The question "what is real?" has been explored by many philosophers, artists, and scientists throughout history and continues to be a topic of discussion today.

Reality can be seen in different ways. Some see it as a shared, objective experience that is grounded in observable phenomena. This is often the perspective of empirical sciences.

However, others, like artists or philosophers, may view reality as a subjective experience, influenced by individual perceptions, emotions, and consciousness. Andy Warhol, whom you mentioned, was known for challenging traditional concepts of art and reality, using common images from popular culture to comment on the nature of American society.

The concept of "real" is complex and multifaceted. It can refer to anything that exists or occurs in the world, but it can also refer to how we perceive or understand those things. Our experiences, beliefs, and perceptions can shape our individual realities, and these can sometimes be at odds with a more shared or objective reality.

When you say "Real is a moment in time," you're touching on another perspective—that reality is an ongoing process, something always in flux and change. This is a view often seen in Eastern philosophies and some interpretations of modern physics.

But there is no definitive answer to "what is real?". It is a question that invites us to continuously explore and question our experiences and understanding of the world around us.
"Now is the only thing that's real."
-Charles Manson
Do you know what it's like to fall

in the mud

and get kicked...

in the head...

with an iron boot?
Man you feel me. I’m on a different type time altogether. See when I first stepped on the scene sherdoggers were petrified. Thry ran into Mom’s basement like they were being chased by homicide. See my mma talk is always right and I will never steer you wrong. All you punk sherdoggers with your thin ass skin your accounts wont be lasting long
I get my on topic about UFC fighters thread deleted and your BS drunk rants you think are funny stay? What a fuckin joke this forum is
I came for the deltas and lizard people conspiracies and left very disappointed.

What if time goes inside out? Does light become mass? Or does it merely reveal it's other side?
So many dreams.
Then I feel her turn.
lt's not pride or weird shit, the goal would be weed out poser shit. Not always easy you, but when you're available, like right now, .....right now, it's why Andy Warhol, so many really goog glomded onto.

Profile: Mio:

It doesn't matter who you think I am. I always win. ....fade out

fadut. Do you know? what is real?

Real is a moment in time.

Username checks out
I get my on topic about UFC fighters thread deleted and your BS drunk rants you think are funny stay? What a fuckin joke this forum is
You make shit threads while being 100% serious and sober. Atleast this guy is drunk as fuck.
You make shit threads while being 100% serious and sober. Atleast this guy is drunk as fuck.

I don't even make threads fuckin moron. Btw have fun watching Ngannou get embarrassed in boxing and crush cans in bum league
I don't even make threads fuckin moron. Btw have fun watching Ngannou get embarrassed in boxing and crush cans in bum league
You just cried about your lame ass thread getting deleted boy.
Q as in the organization that this guy is the leader of? I'm afraid that IS weird shit, REALLY weird shit.
I get my on topic about UFC fighters thread deleted and your BS drunk rants you think are funny stay? What a fuckin joke this forum is

This is you in this thread crying.

You have me confused with @Izzysexboyfriend who had the same AV you dumb MFer

Confused with what? I replied to you. Keep crying, denying and lying. You may be slightly retarded so i'll just leave you alone.
It seems like you're asking about the concept of reality and possibly using art and philosophy to frame the question. The question "what is real?" has been explored by many philosophers, artists, and scientists throughout history and continues to be a topic of discussion today.

Reality can be seen in different ways. Some see it as a shared, objective experience that is grounded in observable phenomena. This is often the perspective of empirical sciences.

However, others, like artists or philosophers, may view reality as a subjective experience, influenced by individual perceptions, emotions, and consciousness. Andy Warhol, whom you mentioned, was known for challenging traditional concepts of art and reality, using common images from popular culture to comment on the nature of American society.

The concept of "real" is complex and multifaceted. It can refer to anything that exists or occurs in the world, but it can also refer to how we perceive or understand those things. Our experiences, beliefs, and perceptions can shape our individual realities, and these can sometimes be at odds with a more shared or objective reality.

When you say "Real is a moment in time," you're touching on another perspective—that reality is an ongoing process, something always in flux and change. This is a view often seen in Eastern philosophies and some interpretations of modern physics.

But there is no definitive answer to "what is real?". It is a question that invites us to continuously explore and question our experiences and understanding of the world around us.
Do you know what site you're own? Lol