Q about 5x5 routine from Bill Starr


Jan 23, 2008
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Basically all the exercises listed in the 5x5 routine require a barbell. Is it possible to reach the same(or little bit less) results if the barbell was replaced by dumbbells? (The dumbbells will ofcourse be enough weight and be able to change weights. The reason I ask is because I'm a student and I don't have enough money to buy myself a home gym or barbell equipments.

Also, is the 5x5 routine ideal for strength training in boxing/wrestling? If not is there a better routine for those two?

Thanks in advance to any who can help me with these questions.
Does your school not have a gym?

Hard to add weight on without a barbell
Also, is the 5x5 routine ideal for strength training in boxing/wrestling? If not is there a better routine for those two?

Yup its a good routine for MMA or any martial arts
You can do it, but it is not ideal. One problem with dumbbells is you won't be able to lift as much weight. Another problem is that you will probably only be able to increase in 10 pound increments.