Pwd 861: roty:goldberg

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I got the impression they were told to slow down when they mapped this out to make the big spots more impactful...other than the opening sequence drop down/leap frog that they seem to love having big guys do

But it was like all the punches and kicks were in slow motion. I get it you don't want Keith Lee stiffing someone in the teeth, but it all just seemed slow and fake.
If you're going to bitch about no selling from should be talking about Gargano forgetting about his leg getting worked over 2 minutes after the last knee stomp.

I don't think you have to worry about Struggle ever defending Gargano.
But it was like all the punches and kicks were in slow motion. I get it you don't want Keith Lee stiffing someone in the teeth, but it all just seemed slow and fake.

That's what happens when you get guys who are still relatively inexperienced and ask them to switch up their style.
I'm about to start Bro-serweights vs ReDragon...I'm expecting good things.

Wow. That’s a great point. I’m gonna look at things different from now on.

The tag title match delivered...sports entertained.

There has been a massive void in @PWD since @nWoWolfpacTV stopped delivering hot takes. I'm going to have to find someone to fill that void.

There has been a massive void in @PWD since @nWoWolfpacTV stopped delivering hot takes. I'm going to have to find someone to fill that void.

I have someone to fill the void and will reveal them in the next thread.
I have someone to fill the void and will reveal them in the next thread.
Is it Sam Zayn?!

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