PWD 676: Rex lost his smile

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So do we get aggressively gay between 230-400?

Wink wink, nod nod
I don't know how great the movie is, but the ending to Gallipoli will punch you in the fucking gut:

Scarlett Bordeaux has come a long way.


Wait wut...

Swallow tats?

Did she earn them ... With 10,000 Nautical miles traveled?
I can see how this new Charlotte character could work.

Play that she's DESPERATE for people to like her. She thought having Ric Flair as her father would be one way to do it, but that didn't work. So, she thought being the best wrestler in the world would work, but they liked Sasha/Bayley/Becky/Paige more. Then she tried being the nicest woman in the world, she spent longer than anybody after matches, like Cena, and that didn't work. Well, the fans like Becky, so she's doing what Becky did, that'll get people to like her.

And she keeps trying all this stuff, and it doesn't work, and then she goes crazy because of it.
I can see how this new Charlotte character could work.

Play that she's DESPERATE for people to like her. She thought having Ric Flair as her father would be one way to do it, but that didn't work. So, she thought being the best wrestler in the world would work, but they liked Sasha/Bayley/Becky/Paige more. Then she tried being the nicest woman in the world, she spent longer than anybody after matches, like Cena, and that didn't work. Well, the fans like Becky, so she's doing what Becky did, that'll get people to like her.

And she keeps trying all this stuff, and it doesn't work, and then she goes crazy because of it.

Seems to be going pretty well to me.
I don't know how great the movie is, but the ending to Gallipoli will punch you in the fucking gut:

It is a damn great movie. And I am saying that as a bias Australian.
Who the fuck up? Big Nut Energy hours right now
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