Secret Hervice better have been there to secure the perimeter! We don't want Trump in Pennsylvania all over again!
Speaking of assassination attempts, Morgan Freeman sounded like he'd rather be at a funeral
@Stargazer Rex my homegirls is going to the big fancy pants reptile extravaganza at the Pleasanton fairgrounds today, want me tell them to Facetime you?
This had a big fight feel. It's one of my favorite matches of all time.
#51 Cody Ware just crashed and the announcers mentioned the Snake River Canyon fiasco but, sadly, no mention of Vince
Her poor skin Pete
Her poor skin Pete. Has she seen the vet recently?
Now everybody mad at young Bell cause he wants it badder than they do
I absolutely feel your pain. What you described was a major factor in my lady pursuing vet school herself. I had a white pitty growing up who had skin allergies and would break out pretty bad, it's very common for them unfortunately. Hoping that clinic accepts you and she can get some meds asap!I've taken her to 3 vets and tried every single thing you can possibly think of, Im trying to get accepted to the non profit vet right now because theyre the only ones that actually helped her(because theyre not in it for profit) but you have to apply everytime and maybe they accept you, maybe they dont
Ive tried 3 times but only got accepted once, when she needed ear surgery, Im done taking her to these fucking vets in town so they can just read shit off Google and charge me $700 per visit for some shit that dont work so I gotta come back next month
I feel horrible for her cause shes not the same happy joyful excited playful dog she used to be, she looks like shes in misery all the time but I dont know what else to do
Im not gonna keep paying these snake oil salesmen that dont actually help her at all
Thanks, now Im legit triggered again, sonofabitch asshole fake animal doctors!
I absolutely feel your pain. What you described was a major factor in my lady pursuing vet school herself. I had a white pitty growing up who had skin allergies and would break out pretty bad, it's very common for them unfortunately. Hoping that clinic accepts you and she can get some meds asap!
Yea, Ive had pitties my whole life so Im used to it and know what to do but Ive never dealt with allergies this horrible, all 4 of her feet are hairless now, her back legs look like those damn ugly hairless hats and she has a bright pink baboon ass with no hair around her cornhole or on her tail, its so bad
I go through jars of aloe every week just trying to keep her skin moist and hoping it will eventually provide relief but it never does