Which scene do you want to make your AV?
It's funny, I seen it with 2 other people. One of them loved it as much as I did, the other liked it but didn't love it. Since then the one that liked it says they actually want to go see it again because it's stuck with them.
I came home just now and there was two handfuls of shit sitting in my living room. I wanted to blame Coconut's brown ass but they looked to be too big for her. It had to be that BASTARD Lawler. They werent wet or sickly they were all solid. I took them both out at 630. Wtf! He was looking all suspicious too when I walked in!
@Stargazer Rex how is Churro doing?
My goth BBW(her safe word is cherry) wants to go to the midget rasslin with me, I told her she has to dress like this, thats right, @RollSonnenRoll , Im finna have my very own Jiggle Jenny with me!
I hope one of the stumpy little fuckers jumps up and does a bounce splash off her massive cans like Seth Rollins did with that fat Jelly Roll looking fuck way back in the olden days
Legit hope I get the full Jiggle Jenny experience and she leaves me setting in my seat for an hour while she's "in the bathroom" and then all of a sudden we hear "CHERRY! CHERRY! CHERRY!" echoing all over the walls off that hollow old theater as her and 6 little munchkins are going at it like barbarians in a supply closet
Midgets is freaks, dog
I remember ESPN doing a piece on him years ago and they asked him his career highlight as a player. "I hit a game winning grand slam in the bottom of the 9th. We won 12 to 3!"Bob Uecker was probably my all time favorite celebrity guest in WWF history, he was a great old timey slapstick carny and looked like he had been working in the rasslin business for years, he played his role so perfectly on his first night in which was very rare for these random celebrity appearances back in those days, most of them would come off as awkward and uncomfortable, not ole Euk, he was a pro from the word go