Punny Product names for food products


Steel Belt
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
So I was cooking an American omelette (eggs, cheese, bacon) this morning, for the old hag of a wife and I, and looked down at the egg container.

I never noticed the brand name before, and to my pleasant surprise, it was GOLDHEN eggs. What a clever and perfect name for a brand of eggs. The gold hen that lays the golden eggs!

I think I will continue to support this company, unlike some shit brand name like Eggland's best, which I refuse to buy, based on the brand name alone.


What are some other awesome food product names? @Clippy ?
Froot loops.. you gays know what I’m talking about.
There is a food truck locally that does flatbread pizza. The name is "Another One Bites The Crust".

You’re on ignore, mister man.

Beggin Bacon

Logo is a pig praying to a farmer holding a gun to the pig's head.

It's tasty.
I buy the eggs that say "12 eggs from caged hens"

Eggs are eggs.

Before these GoldHEN eggs, I used to buy the ones, where on the box, it says, "12 eggs from hens brutally caged in hellish conditions, standing in their own shit, as their potential babies are ripped from the loving warm of t" Then it just cuts off, I think they ran out of space on the carton. Kind of poor planning, if you ask me.
Before these GoldHEN eggs, I used to buy the ones, where on the box, it says, "12 eggs from hens brutally caged in hellish conditions, standing in their own shit, as their potential babies are ripped from the loving warm of t" Then it just cuts off, I think they ran out of space on the carton. Kind of poor planning, if you ask me.

Why would they try to arouse you when you only want to buy some eggs?

Sex sells I guess.