Pull-ups Questions


Apr 12, 2008
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Is there a consensus as to which type of pull-ups (slow controlled vs. explosive) are better for MMA training?

How many push-ups without rest is a good goal?

What exercises increase pull-up ability?

Thanks for the help...
1)No, but I prefer them to be fast

2) Infinite

3) Pullups
1.) You should probably be doing every contraction as fast as you can so try to pull yourself up explosively, but at the same time don't "kip" with your body and legs, thats just cheating work away from your back, bi's and rear delts on the pullup. It is ok to help you get your last few reps though.

2.) I would say 50 pushups done with proper depth without rest is a good goal, after that the more the merrier.

3.) And pullups will increase your pullup ability.
Explosive seems to make most sense for an explosive sport.

Pushups - why have some irrational number as a goal? Why not go for added weight instead and actually get stronger?

As for the last question, I believe the search function might be a great help.
Is there a consensus as to which type of pull-ups (slow controlled vs. explosive) are better for MMA training?

How many push-ups without rest is a good goal?


BW/4 would be a good starting goal.....BW/3 would be advanced....BW/2 would be top10%
Mind if I insert a pull up question?

Anyone know a good way to get pull up ability inside an apartment?

I can't attach something ultra solid to any of my walls, but nay ideas for like...something that a solid door frame could handle?Or any other solution?
get the kind that fit to the door frame with rubber on the ends the way a shower curtain thing fits. if that makes any sense

get the kind that fit to the door frame with rubber on the ends the way a shower curtain thing fits. if that makes any sense

They stable?

I don't want to get injured.
I used to use one a few years ago, seemed very stable at the time
Fedor does them fast, therefor you should do them fast.
Do several sets varying the grips. Starting wide with an over/under grip and then finishing with narrow grip chin ups. Start by doing 5 sets of 5 with 30 seconds to a minute rest and then work up by adding weight.
I don't think you should od them fast. I like dead hanging for about 1-2 seconds between rest. BOR's also help a lot for pull ups
I dead hang, then pull-up as fast as I can. You should always lift fast, it's just that you end up using a heavy weight so it goes up slow, but your still pulling as fast as you can.

I also don't recommend coming to a dead hang in pull-ups that use the palms away grip. I think it puts stress on the shoulder. I use a neutral grip and its comfortable and easier to dead hang. Hanging with any amount of weight attached in a palms away grip stretches the shoulder too much methinks.
50 pushups is a reasonable goal. I can only do 20-25 so I should follow my own advice really.
In regards to pullups you want to do lots of submaximal sets - each workout you want to do more pullups, more volume. So if you can do 5 or 6 smoothly, do like 10 sets of 3 and then maybe 5-10 sets of 2. As soon as you start having to grind out reps, stop. This way you can train pullups often and you build up muscle endurance quickly.

People who can do say 10 pullups, their pullup workouts usually look like this:

10 7 4 so theyve done 21 pullups whereas if you use the method I described above you will have done 40-50 pullups which is over twice as many.
Thanks for all the great responses. I actually meant to ask how many pullups are a reasonable goal, sorry I accidently typed pushups.:redface: So how many PULL-UPS are a reasonable goal?
Thanks for all the great responses. I actually meant to ask how many pullups are a reasonable goal, sorry I accidently typed pushups.:redface: So how many PULL-UPS are a reasonable goal?

"Reasonable goal" is pretty vague.

It takes 20 dead hang chins/pull-ups to max out that portion of the Marine PFT.
You may have smaller goals along the way, but how does it make any sense to have an ultimate goal for pull-ups? Wouldn't you always want to get stronger, be able to do more reps with more weight strapped around your waist?
Yes but thats like saying my goal is a 25000lbs deadlift. Its good to set a realistic long term goal (something that can be achieved in 1-2 years) and break it down into smaller goals to keep yourself motivated along the way.
Yes but thats like saying my goal is a 25000lbs deadlift. Its good to set a realistic long term goal (something that can be achieved in 1-2 years) and break it down into smaller goals to keep yourself motivated along the way.

Exactly. Obviously I always want to be stronger but some goals are unattainable. How about this...how many pullups can the average professional MMA fighter do?