Pull Up Bars


Orange Belt
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I am going to buy a power rack soon and want one with a pull up bar at the top. Most seem to have a straight bar, but I have found one in my price range that has angled ends/hand grips. I assume this puts your wrist in a more natural position, but is this necessary, will I increase the chance any injuries using a straight bar? What are the pros and cons of each type?

If you want to do wide grip pullups, the angled ends will help. For standard pullups and chins a straight bar is all you need.
Cons of angled: Can't do muscle ups very well - or at all, if they have a hammer grip end as well.
Muscle Ups won't be possible due to lack of head room. Can you still do wide grip pull ups on a straight bar? and is there any reason to do them with a wide grip?
I have an angled pullup bar on my squat rack. I like it, it's fine for regular, hammer and wide grip pullups.
I don't like angled bars, because at the top my wrist contures more than it would on a straight bar. I do like angled bars for behind the neck pullups, though.
My powercage has angled bars. I find I can do more wide grip pullups with a straight bar though.......not sure if this helps you at all.

So +1
I am going to buy a power rack soon and want one with a pull up bar at the top. Most seem to have a straight bar, but I have found one in my price range that has angled ends/hand grips. I assume this puts your wrist in a more natural position, but is this necessary, will I increase the chance any injuries using a straight bar? What are the pros and cons of each type?


This is the rack I bought. Comes with pull-up and dip attachment and reasonable priced. 367$ total with shipping included.

That looks like the one I am talking about. Are you happy with it?
damn dude. just go to a serious sporting goods chain, shell out $15 for a mountable bar. try and get one with brackets that can screw into the wall. use a studfinder and make sure you place it somewhere sturdy. the one i bought was only like 12 dollars. i've had it for 2 years, it extends to like 8 feet across, so it can fit in most hallways, doorways, ect; and can handle like 500 lbs. i'd really recomend this option before you drop so much money on a rack.
That looks like the one I am talking about. Are you happy with it?

Yea it's a decent rack. If I were to change anything on it I would like it to be taller so I could do OHP's inside the rack. The price is hard to beat.
damn dude. just go to a serious sporting goods chain, shell out $15 for a mountable bar. try and get one with brackets that can screw into the wall. use a studfinder and make sure you place it somewhere sturdy. the one i bought was only like 12 dollars. i've had it for 2 years, it extends to like 8 feet across, so it can fit in most hallways, doorways, ect; and can handle like 500 lbs. i'd really recomend this option before you drop so much money on a rack.

I didnt buy a Squat rack so I could do pull-ups. I bought a Squat rack so I could do Squats. The dip and chin attachments were just a bonus.
Is this a joke?

sorry, didn't take the time to look at the pics and see that you were getting a squat rack for your purchase as well. my bad. i thought it was just one of those dip/pull up station contraptions, which made me wonder why you would pay so much for it. seeing how you are getting a squat rack too, then i withdraw my comments.
Anybody ever just pick up another set of pins, high on the rack, and use a cheap or old Oly bar for chins?
I had the same exact problem. What I did was put a piece of shit bar that weighed like 15-20 lbs and layed it on top of of my power rack and using the straps that came with the sled I never use to tether it down to top of the powerrack.

So essentially it's just a piece of shit 15 lb bar that sits tethered to the top of my power rack, and it works well. I weigh 155-160 and have added up to 100 lbs of weight to myself and the bar held me just fine.