

Blue Belt
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
So, I've recently been pushing myself fairly hard and after I get to a certain point, I get so hot that I just feel the need to puke. I have a fairly weak stomach to begin with (have had pretty bad acid reflux since I was 13) and I feel like its affecting my training.

Have any of you guys experienced this and gotten over the puking? Also, I'm 6'4" and only 162lbs and definetly have not been eating properly because I have absolutely no appetite until the afternoon for the most part.

And just to throw in everything....

I'm not sure if smoking could affect this too, but I do smoke a lot of pot basically everyday (this is coming to a stop and I'm actually getting motivated).

Any advice would be much appreciated and I hope its just my eating habits that are screwing me over.

Sorry if this is the wrong forum!!!
Some people are pukers, some aren't. It helps if you eat properly beforehand and don't have a full stomach, and of course if you're feeling good you'll be able to do more before you hit that wall. But bottom line, some people have a tendency to boot, and some people couldn't if they tried (me). I know this from 4 years of collegiate rowing, some people booted every damn day during winter training, and I never did, despite losing motor skills and other...more embarassing signs of fatigue.
Stop smoking and eat healtier. Simple.

Also train smarter not harder.
quiting the pot would be a good start and eating the right type of meal the correct time beofre you work out, there is alot of information in the FAQs on preworkout meals.
why do people need to be told the obvious? does it help to hear it from someone other than yourself?

why is common sense so uncommon?
why do people need to be told the obvious? does it help to hear it from someone other than yourself?

why is common sense so uncommon?

For a lot of people it does help to have someone else point out the obvious. I believe for certain people even though they know the answers to their questions they still ask, hoping that someone else will have an easy answer (this isn't specifically directed towards the TS).

To the TS: breakfast is your friend! Also, make sure you drink enough water during your training, that could contribute to feeling overheated.
I am a puker,

I puked in morning running in football, summer practice, during games. I puked the other day from sparring some 5 2min rounds. The better shape I am in (more accustomed to the task aswell) the less it happens. I fought this last weekedn 2X in one night and felt like I was gonna puke after first fight.

I would say I am in better shape than most of the people I compete with and never seen them puke. I guess the morals of all this is, some peoples body responds to arguous cardiovascular tasks with regurgitation (not sure why), some dont.

SIDE NOTE: I almost never puke from drinking (barely), food, disgusting sites, almost exclusively extreme running, fighting etc

You need us to tell you that eating like shit and smoking up everyday may be hindering your training? Just to continue with the obvious don't attempt any serious weight lifting when you have to take a shit.
with reards to your appetitie. just eat more. trust me

i used to eat when i was hungry and got no where. what you need to do is force the food down you. then after a few days/weeks, your body and stomach adapts and all of a sudden the same ammount of food isnt such a chore. then you can squeeze some more in again. it's like weights but with eating. train your stomach.

i was 145lbs for soooo long thinking i would enver gain. i'm now 165 and on the up and up just by forcing food in.

works both ways rthough. now if i don't eat huge amounts i get hungry very quikly but after a few days/weeks you go back to eating like a russian hamster.