

Always Striving.
Jun 29, 2005
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Are we allowed to post threads about drugs?

Who has taken psychedelics on here? What was your experience with them?

I'll post some of my experiences later. I've taken LSD probably 150 times or so. I love it, it's my favorite drug (even calling it a 'drug' feels dirty, LSD is like holy water or something, it's not a dirty 'drug').

God, especially, has used my LSD trips super profoundly and God has communicated to me that LSD can be helpful, especially for people dealing with addictions. LSD broke my addiction to cocaine in one single trip on April 5th, 2015. It was incredible. I think before I took LSD I thought cocaine was the best thing ever, the 'most good' thing there was so it totally reorganized my chains of meaning around itself. When I took LSD it showed me something better, which wasn't exactly LSD, it was like 'spiritual fulfillment' or 'spiritual insight and knowledge'. I didn't become addicted to LSD but cocaine no longer held any power over me. I'm still free from that addiction 9 years later. Pretty great.

LSD 'helps alcoholics to give up drinking'​

Thank you for sharing your story and being very candid about it.

I haven't taken cocaine in awhile now. I think I'm done with that. But I still will take MDMA if I go out dancing. But I rarely go out and dance, I don't even drink that much anymore. Just taking it easy now a days.

But it depends though I might end up going in big binge/bender on something out of nowhere, but I'll try not to.
I haven't taken LSD often (maybe 4-5 times), but I loved it. The smooth buzz always made me appreciate music and art. Best trips I ever had and by far.

I remember taking 4-5 hours to read a short book on Rick Griffin. I remember listening to an Alan Parson Project album, a band I disliked, and thinking it was the best thing ever made by a human being. I remember a long walk with GF, just holding hands. Good times.


I've eaten magic mushrooms about ten times and I grew tired of it. It was too intense for me. You lose too much control. Similar buzz to what they sold as micro acid in the olden days. I don't know what junk they put on/in that tiny pill, but that shit was crazy. I'd swear it was the last time I'd take one and... You know the rest.

I often times refer to myself as a psychonaut because of my long relationship with psychadelics.

Some of my hardest yet most insightful (and sometimes scary) revelations and lessons have come at the hands of a heroic dose of psilocybin.
I've used many psychedelics many times, quite a few "heroic doses" as well. One of which wasn't planned, fuckin' hippy drug dealer didn't label his stuff and what should have been a moderate dose of 2C-B was instead enough LSD for a whole lot of people. That was experience to say the least.

I have chronic cluster headaches and certain psychedelics are the only things that work consistently to give me any kind of break.
I have limited experience with LSD(I think about 5 full doses and ~20 micro/less than full doses), but am fairly experienced with mushrooms and dmt (upwards of 100 full doses of each). I've also experimented a bit with caapi brews and smoked dmt, but I've never taken ayahuasca.

I owe a huge debt to psychedelics, both with the direct insights I've had through them, and leading me to meditation and the dharma. In fact, anyone who meditates owes a debt to psychedelics, as the meditation movement in the west largely exists due to westerners voyaging to the east looking for people who understood the states of mind one has access to while on psychedelics.
I've used many psychedelics many times, quite a few "heroic doses" as well. One of which wasn't planned, fuckin' hippy drug dealer didn't label his stuff and what should have been a moderate dose of 2C-B was instead enough LSD for a whole lot of people. That was experience to say the least.

I have chronic cluster headaches and certain psychedelics are the only things that work consistently to give me any kind of break.
The most I've taken is 600micrograms in one dose. I've also done 500micrograms in one dose and 400-450micrograms many times. My preferred dose is 350-400micrograms, but any dose of LSD above 100 or so micrograms is pretty great. I feel like LSD becomes more powerful spiritually once you get up around 300micrograms... that's when you meet God :)
I took acid twice, nothing happened. Probably got some bad stuff or something went wrong but nothing.

I've done shrooms maybe 6 times in the last couple of years, its by far the best trip i've had on any substance. Sometimes it's not as good but when it is it really feels like entering another plane of existence. I like to do it deep in nature as i've always felt a strong connection to nature, but on shrooms you really see and feel everything come alive. It really had a profound effect on my mood and my perspective on life. So that's the one for me, I don't like it calling it a drug either it feels like something ancient and that's been put here for a good reason.

I think it helped me quit smoking too although i was never a big smoker to begin with.
The best part about LSD, IMO, is the 'wisdom' that comes with it. This happens on any dose that is active (like 60ug and up or so). LSD comes along and gives you a narration to your thoughts that is so wise and understanding, I feel like it gives every person who takes it a new, positive, and uplifting view of their life.

"You're OK, you might have a few bad habits but you're doing good!"

Stuff like that. It calms you down and encourages you. The problem is that you have to make the changes in your life that it recommends when you're NOT tripping, lol. You can only trip like once a week, really, and it's easy to implement the changes it recommends to your life while you're tripping but the real change has to come when you're not tripping.

I feel like there's 'spiritual freedom' that frees people from addiction and gives them a perspective on God (either as an individual, the true God, or like the 'universe' as God), but then there's lower doses that just give you the 'wisdom' of LSD. LSD has something to say for every circumstance you could find yourself in.

This is a simple one but it just goes to show how LSD is powerful no matter what you're doing. I was swimming out in the ocean with some friends for a day at the beach and I had taken some LSD - I forget how much, but I was smoking oils with it (THC oils) so it was like a 350ug trip. I notice how the tide kept pulling me down farther away from where we camped at on the beach. I thought about it like: this is just like life, if you don't make a stand and hold onto your principles, the tide (life) will pull you all the way down the beach and you'll end up somewhere you didn't intend to be. Principles and God have to be prioritized, you have to keep swimming back and holding onto the truth that you know because life and people are going to encourage you to do wrong things.

Sounds basic and it is basic, but it's just a small example of the practical advice and 'wisdom' LSD gives you when you take it. It's a substance designed for learning. LSD can be super fun but I mainly look at it like a meditative retreat into myself to find out how I'm doing in life and what I need to do better at. Every single trip has new insights and new 'wisdom' for your life. You can never run out of subjects for LSD to commentate on, it's infinite.
You can also microdose LSD (taking doses like 5ug-20ug). I've done this a lot, too. I thought it was helpful, I felt encouraged to take on the problems of my life and that I would be able to solve them. I don't have as many memories of this because I didn't do it as much as I tripped with larger doses. A lot of people find it highly beneficial though. I'm getting some LSD soon and I plan on starting up a microdosing routine once I get it. I'll post about how it goes.
I recently tried mushrooms first time ever and tried 2 G and went for a little walk to look at the Christmas lights on Christmas night and I think I went insane a little bit there was too many lights and I felt this sickness come over me I thought I was dying and then I hit under my blankets and then my wife's Diamond painting was trying to attack me or it was moving around the room all crazy I met her in the party garage and I had to smoke weed to calm down but the important thing is I didn't ruin Christmas but it wasn't as fun as I was hoping it would be haven't really done much of it since like supermarketosis and I still don't really get it
I recently tried mushrooms first time ever and tried 2 G and went for a little walk to look at the Christmas lights on Christmas night and I think I went insane a little bit there was too many lights and I felt this sickness come over me I thought I was dying and then I hit under my blankets and then my wife's Diamond painting was trying to attack me or it was moving around the room all crazy I met her in the party garage and I had to smoke weed to calm down but the important thing is I didn't ruin Christmas but it wasn't as fun as I was hoping it would be haven't really done much of it since like supermarketosis and I still don't really get it
Yeah, trips can go wrong pretty quickly in the wrong environment. Sorry you didn't have a better experience.
Used to do acid a long time ago when that glorious orange-double barrel and the mics (blue, purple etc) were around. Stopped doing it when blotter became the more common form. You never knew if the stuff was licked/handled improperly and teenagers and young adults are fucking idiots.

Experimented with mushrooms, didn't like the gutrot I always seemed to get.

Tried MDMA once. It was euphoric, it was clean and fun, but it's like "you're high, you're high, you're high, your stone cold sober!". There is no come down, it's a hard drop. Liked it, but wouldn't do it again.

Have gotten DMT before for someone who likes it, but no way am I getting wrapped up in a drug more expensive than cocaine.

The guys producing LSD now certainly have it down to a science. I typically get between 100-200 microgram stuff. Enough to have fun, not enough to get into otherworldly shit. Funny thing is... as teenager, I could never get hard-on during sex. No clue why, probably couldn't focus, or didn't care, not exactly sure. But now that I am older? That shit is like Viagra.
I might try again I don't know what happened I thought I would just enjoy the Christmas lights but yeah maybe I'll try again in the summertime with nature painting my portrait

2g of mushrooms is a solid dose especially for your first time, being up and out in the world would likely be overwhelming for most people.

The best way to take mushrooms is in silent darkness, at least for the first few hours.