PROWLER program


Seauxthern Dead
Jun 12, 2007
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Okay, so I've had this prowler for a little bit. It's fucking awesome and kills me.

I'm wondering though, if any of you have favorite programs with it or with tire dragging or sled dragging that you'd like to share with me. I'm using it with all my rugby athletes to develop penetrating running with people tugging on them (snicker...)

Should I use it at the beginning of practices to develop straight speed and power?
Or should I use it for conditioning at the end to wear them out?

Let me know what you think.
Work on your squat. There's a competition to be won.
Don't listen to Bort. Play with your prowler all the time, never think about squatting.
I fucking hate you guys.

Barut, I'm squatting three times a week. I might start a mini-smolov, but my progress might be hampered by a surgery in the near future.

I can't see how power-training with the prowler afte rmy squat workouts would hurt.

ADVICE you curs!
Use the prowler before, in between sets of and after squat squats... Push to failure, this will ensure proper gains.
Do your squats on the Prowler, while other members of your rugby team pull it around. It's like the he-man version of a Bosu ball.

Unstable surface = better stabilizer recruitment = bigger squat
I'd say before practice to tire you out and then during practice you will be fighting fatigue, just like in a real game. We did this for football, started off every practice with crazy conditioning and worked through fatigue the rest of practice.
ok, the honest answer, in the grand scheme of things, I think using a prowler with any real intensity is going to be near impossible in a smolov cycle. I suggest either dragging it with light weight or pushing it using similar intensity for recovery purposes, not for conditioning.
I love how the squat competition has ruined legit questions.
I love how the squat competition has ruined legit questions.

I know, you can only trust your teammates for squat related advice until everyone starts following definitive plans. until then, this seems to be a non-squat oriented forum.
Since this is a friendly squat competition...

Some ideas:
1. light load for warm up prior to lifting
2. in between sets at lighter intensities
3. after workout for recovery purposes at lighter loads

The key here is LIGHT LOAD/INTENSITY...because anything significant will burn you if you must use it then do it with moderate to high frequency and very low to low intensity/load...use it to slowly improve your GPP/work capacity.

If you're doing Smolov then I'd probably skip sled drags...unless ofcourse you know from prior experience it helps your recovery ...

so curls and leg extensions....and uh....baconators will make you ultra manly....krispy kream donuts are your friends....;)

Devil's Minions will pwn you all....
I use my prowler for finisher after squat/ knee dominate days. On the lifting side of it I use the prowler for pull throughs on my hip dominate day.
After recovering from an injury, I will be implementing sled dragging in a combined core/conditioning routine. I plan on performing 30 seconds of sled dragging, followed by 30 seconds of a core static (planks, bridging, band statics, etc.) and repeating this 5 times. Makes for an intense 5-minute round for the core.
The thing is, my school's gym is only open on weekdays during the summer, so there are just plain days when I can't lift there. I want to destroy my lower body with the sled on those days, high weight, low duration.

On days when I'm squatting heavy I want to use it as unilateral exercise, with deep steps and a lighter load.

I also need to maintain upper body strength while injured, and the static hold needed to push it with the upperbody is one of the only movements I can safely do right now.
i've been doing sprints with it recently. i'll be continuing to use it obsessively for the summer i'm sure. recently i did 3x30m sprints at the end of a squat workout. i've also done 4x4x40m sprints with it as a standalone workout for conditioning.

doing them heavy will certainly beat up your legs. light will be perfect for recovery.