problem with squats


Orange Belt
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I just went to my MMA gym today and they got a weights room and so am going to start lifting. One problem though...when doing squats I just CANT keep my heels on the floor when bending down. Hence I am not fully driving through the heels when lifting up.

Has anyone ever had this problem before? Any tips on how to rectify it? My instructor said to practise lots of squats without weights to get use to them which i will do, i am just wondering if anyone has had the same problem and if there are any exercises to solve it

Yeah it means you're not doing them right. Practice without a bar first until you get them right.
True. You just need to get some practice in. Box squats might help you with form, I've heard they're quite the shiznit when it comes to learning squatting technique.
Sit back and not down. Squatting is all in the hip. move your hips back while keeping your feet planted on the floor. To do this while bending your knees you'll have to move your head and shoulders forward. Now the concentric portion of the lift is just the opposite: hips forward, drive your head back. Your feet will stay planted if you understand the rol of the hips in squats and sit back instead of down. Go ahead, practice it right now without any weight, and don't be alarmed that you have to bend over at the waist more than you expected.
Move your feet way farther apart, knees pushing outward, drive the back of your head into your spine, back into it, then drive your ass up...
We posted at the same time...not trying to step on you Urban...
PariahCarey said:
then drive your ass up...
I'd be careful saying this. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I assume you mean ass as in "MOVE YOUR ASS!!!" refering to a physical body. But if meant it as writen, driving your ass up will result in you doing a good morning with your squat.
right as in the Move YOUR ASS otherwise i would've said "drive up with your ass."
Probably scared to sit back down or too much weight or lack of stability.

do not compromise form for weight.
Try to concentrate on moving your ass back as you bend your knees. When coming up bring your hips forward while driving through your heels.
I agree with Urban and PariahCarey, but would also add that as well as using too much weight you may have fairly weak hamstrings and poor flexibility. Use less weight, work your hamstrings, do some stretching, try overhead squats (great for flexibility in hips) and try learning the movement by doing box squats. Dave Tate has some excellent articles on squat form and box squats on t-nation that might be worth your time.
thanks for the advice guys. i have been trying to implement your advice whilst doing the squats with no weights. its much better now but still heels are slightly off the ground. just tried doing it with 10 kg weight and still heels are slightly off the floor. im going to keep on practising and hopefully my body will get use to it...

is it dangerous to squat if heels are off the ground? even if its a small amount of weight?
You could put aplate under your heels and squat like that. I did this two seesion because like you, i thought its just impossible for me to go down without raising my heels. In addition i did some kind of box squats and focused on planting my feet. I often fel back on the box in the beginning. After just 2 sessions i removed the plates and it was no problem.
graedy sorry i am a complete newbie to weights. when you say plates do you mean the big ones used for squats? do you only put your heels on the edge of the plate then when doing this?
I did with 5 kg plates. You can use whatever you like. It just helped me to get the groove.
geoffreysquire said:
I just went to my MMA gym today and they got a weights room and so am going to start lifting. One problem though...when doing squats I just CANT keep my heels on the floor when bending down. Hence I am not fully driving through the heels when lifting up.

Has anyone ever had this problem before? Any tips on how to rectify it? My instructor said to practise lots of squats without weights to get use to them which i will do...

To begin with, do not rely on your instructor for squatting knowledge, or any lifting for that matter. Evidently, he lacks the elementary technical knowledge to correct squatting technique.

The following are specific reasons which potentially account for your concern:

* Your stance is not wide enough.

* You
Reading this, i always wonder how the heck some idiots qualify as trainers.