Pro Wrestling > BJJ

Big Red

Green Belt
May 19, 2005
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I have a cousin in Holland. He told me this story online & I found this hilarious. You guys may not appreciate it like I did, but wrestling nerds make me laugh so very much I thought I'd share this story. He is new to sub grappling, he is travelling & found home for a while in Holland & trains with a sub wrestling club over there. I'm copying & pasting this & adding some stuff I lost from the convo, but I have the chunks that made me laugh. Sorry if this gets confusing, I'm typing as I am him.

.. ok, last night a man showed up with a Brock Lesnar T-shirt to train in. I've never seen him before & pretty sure it was his first time grappling anywhere.

(Lesnar for anyone who doesn't know is/was a pro wrestler & an NCAA champion. But the shirt he had was representing the WWE side of Lesnar as it had logo's & slogans etc on it).

He grabbed my attention all session for whatever reason, I do not know why, just he had a comical intensity about him. He wasn't broad, nor stocky, yet his walk was very much squared in the shoulders as if he was packing muscle (he looked like he crapped himself the way he walked). Anyway, it gets around to sparring & I rolled with someone else & saw him, I politely nodded & he came over to and starting stretching and.. taunting. I was pretty confused as I couldn't tell whether it was serious or not, he muttered something along the lines of, "its my time". He did the regular newbie stuff of jumping into guard & trying to forearm choke me. I subbed him twice in about our ten minute session, he was strong & just prayed in my guard. The second sub came just before the end where I popped out of my own guard and tried attacking from our knees again. He shot in and went for a firemans carry, I anticipated the move and this is where I was wrong.. I was ready to be thrown over down to the mat, but he did something else. He stood up and kicked his forward and fell back on his shoulders. The only thing I could compare it to was a samoan drop from wrestling. This winded me but my anger (as we normally take consideration into slams for our partners safety) got mes pissed, so I rolled not far from where we landed and got him in a RNC.

We were told to swap and my back killed, so I had to take a break from the last spar. I saw him move over to a more advanced guy than me and as he stood above him, he start joggin on the spot in a really pumped and over the top way.

About the time I lost interest in pro wrestling was when Brock arrived. I can only imagine, the jog side to side my cousin meant was that little taunt Brock was famous for doing before his entrance. This is what really made me laugh.

The wrestling guy did the same thing again, he jumped into my friends guard and tried muscling his neck and pressing his forearm on his throat which again, did not work.
Now my friend stalled, he was working this guy out for a few seconds then swept him and subbed him with a kimura. The guy looked so pissed off he got subbed. Anyways, they began again back from their knees and the wrestling shirt guy basically gave my friend his back. The guy then, to my amazement did another wrestling move, remember that move where you wrap on of your legs around one of theirs and pull back on their head? Well he did that!

(He means russian leg sweep :))

He slammed him hard almost as if it stunned my friend. He dived for a foot, span my friend onto him stomach with a foot still in hand and span the guys ankle as hard as he could and screamed "DO YOU SUBMIT?" in Dutch. The guy had to swollow his Pride and submit. He was one intense, comical & successfull m'fuka.

HAHAHA. Thank God that bastard rolls in Holland & not here.


This Brock Jistu sounds successful. I'm going to go watch WrestleMania1 to get some inspiration for my next BJJ class.
This is was almost KO'd my cousin. LOL.


My cousin sounds like he got it easy. This is what happened to the other guy.


What a crazy bastard. The "russian legsweep" is based on a legit sambo throw although it is slightly different in execution, with the guy executing it spinning to land in half guard on top of the person he has thrown.
Big Red said:
he jumped into my friends guard and tried muscling his neck and pressing his forearm on his throat which again, did not work.

I didn't know Fight_Song trained in Holland.
Really funny story!
This guy need to learn the basics.
I think it is the fault of the instructor that he let him spar with you guys and do not give him some security hints.

Although a good read
haha funny shit, go brock! cant wait to hear about him doing a shooting star press or whatever it was
Isn't Brock Lesnar the name of the dude from Boogey Nights?
Next time he gets you in his guard, stand up and get him in a Sharpshooter, when he grabs your leg to prevent you from turning him, push his leg down and drop back for a Figure Four.

This worked perfectly for me against my friend when I was a kid.
Te(V)plar said:
Isn't Brock Lesnar the name of the dude from Boogey Nights?

I think that was Brock Hardcastle.
triso said:
Next time he gets you in his guard, stand up and get him in a Sharpshooter, when he grabs your leg to prevent you from turning him, push his leg down and drop back for a Figure Four.

This worked perfectly for me against my friend when I was a kid.

Luckily he isn't at my place, sadly for my cousin, he trains with him. If anyone tried getting WWE style on me I'd just get a chair, maybe organise a run in or I'd just do some low blows..

If you guys are starting from the knees, that'll obviously put a wrestler at a bit of a disadvantage.
Had one of those guys once too... we did some standup fighting and he tried all those van damme moves, spinning ballet kicks, but when i punched him in the face he turned around and covered his head when i gave him light slaps to the face from behind etc.
then we did takedowns and i had his back and wanted to trip him but he moved so awkward, that i fell on my head... was in his guard and fell back for ankle lock. he was really musclin around and doing a good job of preventing the lock with his other leg by pushing my arms away... then he stopped cuz he got a cramp.
never came again :C
i actually got someone in the figure 4 by accident once, lol, the instructor started yelling whooooo as the guy tapped out... it was too funny..

to be the man u gotta beat the man - ric flair
even tho prowrestling is "fake" them moves hurt pro wrestling is no joke
Sounds like fun.I have trained in various forms of wrestling and used to be an avid fan.So i know may of these moves but using them?.What a noob i hope this dutch brock takes some bad steroids or something.