principal: "kids who are bullied need to be less annoying"; cyber-bullying and digital self harm

I definitely agree with him to an extent. I've seen some kids get picked on for no good reason, other than that other kids are cruel. Other times, possibly most of the time, the kids I've witnessed getting picked on were little assholes who were constantly tattling on people, starting arguments over things of little to no consequence like correcting people all of the time, or in some circumstances they did something specific to make everyone dislike them like stealing from someone or cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend. In the latter situation, it is largely the kid's and his parents' fault that the kid is bothering everyone around him.

I don't think that is a sufficient response to combat bullying on the whole, but learning how to interact with other people will certainly help a lot of kids.

In response to the second part of the post, yeah, people need to accept responsibility for their own emotions.

Edit: about the parent who complains that it sends a message that the kid isn't fun to hang out with, you are part of the problem. Obviously your child's peers don't think your child is fun to hang out with if they are being ostracized. If your kid is over the age of like ten, you should try this crazy thing called honesty. Teach them how the world actually works instead of sheltering them and telling them that they're perfect just the way they are. They are not perfect just the way they are.
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OK, I'm combining two threads into one because they're both about children's inabilities to deal with hurt.

I feel like this man is not actually interested in helping students as much as he wants to "tell it like it is".

(Digital self-harm article not quoted in full. Full article at link.)

Are children's lives only getting more difficult with technology? It seems to be the case in many different ways, from the new opportunities it offers people to hurt them to the way the sheer immersion in technology and porn rewires their brains.
LMAO!!! I went to HS with that dude. He was a lunatic religious type in HS and a real dork. He's projecting himself badly here. I can't believe that he's a school principal now, although Scio is some serious backwoods cousin-fucking shithole so I'm not too surprised it's there.

Holy shit. Lol.
You know what stops kids from being bullied? Principles bullying the students by telling them that they are spineless annoying wimps.

That should fix it.
Bootstraps, you stupid fucking elementary school kids!!!
I definitely agree with him to an extent. I've seen some kids get picked on for no good reason, other than that other kids are cruel. Other times, possibly most of the time, the kids I've witnessed getting picked on were little assholes who were constantly tattling on people, starting arguments over things of little to no consequence like correcting people all of the time, or in some circumstances that even did something specific to make everyone dislike them like stealing from someone or cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend. In the latter situation, it is largely the kid's and his parents' fault that the kid is bothering everyone around him.

I don't think that is a sufficient response to combat bullying on the whole, but learning how to interact with other people will certainly help a lot of kids.

In response to the second part of the post, yeah, people need to accept responsibility for their own emotions.

This wasn't my experience at all.
This wasn't my experience at all.
That's fine. I'm not talking about elementary school, btw. At that age all kids are still learning social skills, bullies, annoying kids, and innocent victims alike. I was talking more about middle and high school. I graduated from a pretty small school (500 students). Of the kids I can recall being singled out or picked on excessively, three of them were just easy targets who were teased for no other reason than cruel entertainment. The others all had some reason that the people who fucked with them didn't like them.

Suicide rates have also remained steady for children under 15:

2nd chart on the page.

Tell me more about your feelings, @Seano.

A lot of the "kids are snowflakes" stuff is complete nonsense, it's just a narrative put into circulation by media and old bitter people. Most kids really are not all that sensitive at all, it's a bit of a myth. Honestly, a lot of the time the older generations seem just as sensitive, if not more, than the younger generation in a lot of ways.

Millennials have been successful and innovative in an economy and political system that was basically destroyed by baby boomers. I get a little bit tired of hearing them complain about how awful millennials are without a single shred of self-awareness.

This is coming from a 32 year old who does not do any of the stereotypical millennial shit.
He's taking the exact opposite of that stance, dip shit. The bullies are who need to change their behavior. Not nerds, or geeks, or fat kids, or gingers, or the new asian student, etc.

Saying that it's their fault for being annoying is not only pathetic and disgusting, it's also untrue.

I was tiny and awkward until I was 15 or 16. I got bullied plenty. I was bullied in elementary school for nothing that was my fault and I was bullied in middle school by a kid who I had been friends with for two years and in early high school by a kid I’d been friends with all through middle school. None of it was my fault.

In elementary school I was known as the little policeman in my house for being a tattletale. In middle school I had a habit of taking jokes a step to far and being annoying or killing the joke. Those things were on my social skills. I noticed them and did something about it. So when kids who had been my friends started bullying me for no reason you know what I did? Stopped hanging out with them cause they were dicks. And I went and hung out with the kids who weren’t dick just to get their rocks off. Edit: I had that option because I had fixed my part of the bullying equation.

By cleaning up my part of what made me socially inept I had other opportunities to get along with my peers. My parents never pitied me. They encouraged me to fix my flaws and taught me not to take me talked to and treated poorly.

You can’t make every dickhead change their behavior but you can change your own when you aren’t happy with it. I’m still a weirdo in ways that I’m proud of and dropped the parts I don’t like. It took adults forcing me to look at my part of the equation.

Sling your name calling elsewhere pussy.
A lot of the "kids are snowflakes" stuff is complete nonsense, it's just a narrative put into circulation by media and old bitter people. Most kids really are not all that sensitive at all, it's a bit of a myth. Honestly, a lot of the time the older generations seem just as sensitive, if not more, than the younger generation in a lot of ways.

Millennials have been successful and innovative in an economy and political system that was basically destroyed by baby boomers. I get a little bit tired of hearing them complain about how awful millennials are without a single shred of self-awareness.
It's just more right wing, reductive nonsense. Pining for a time that never was. Where men were men, minorities knew their place, and kids weren't sissies.

It's ridiculous.
It's just more right wing, reductive nonsense. Pining for a time that never was. Where men were men, minorities knew their place, and kids weren't sissies.

It's ridiculous.

Lol, Baby boomers were when "men were men"? Lol.


These pussies need to post in the OT.

@BTard will teach 'em the ropes.

The ones who won't kill themselves will turn into functional human beings.
At least you understand the problem.

Self awareness has helped me much in life. Including to understand why I’m being socially excluded and to realize when I’m alright with that and to realize when the people I’m around are just dicks and they aren’t worth being around. What didn’t help me was when I just sat around and wished the rest of the world would change its behavior to suit my needs.
A lot of the "kids are snowflakes" stuff is complete nonsense, it's just a narrative put into circulation by media and old bitter people. Most kids really are not all that sensitive at all, it's a bit of a myth. Honestly, a lot of the time the older generations seem just as sensitive, if not more, than the younger generation in a lot of ways.

Millennials have been successful and innovative in an economy and political system that was basically destroyed by baby boomers. I get a little bit tired of hearing them complain about how awful millennials are without a single shred of self-awareness.

This is coming from a 32 year old who does not do any of the stereotypical millennial shit.
Millennials really are proving to be a great generation.

On some honest shits, baby boomers fucked shit up. They sucked.