principal: "kids who are bullied need to be less annoying"; cyber-bullying and digital self harm

Yeah but when I was a kid and bullies would kick your ass, kids rarely killed themselves. I mean, its one of those weird situations where theres not much I'm really condoning but I feel like the anti bully movement has sort of left kids soft. I think you have to let kids be kids with each other. That way when reality hits as a young adult, you have some basic skills to deal with it.
Constant abuse does not impart any basic skills.
eh, I'm not condoning "constant abuse" and nothing I said implies that.
That is a lie. Everything you have said in this thread condones it. What with your psychotic stance of people need bullying..
That is a lie. Everything you have said in this thread condones it. What with your psychotic stance of people need bullying..
I'm not really into this sort of shit. Choose another person to get on your soapbox with and work on your reading comprehension.
That perfectly sums up the basis for all your arguments. No facts, no reason, just feelings.
Come on man, you just spout shit and post gifs because you can't put together a legitimate paragraph about anything. Literally any criticism that you throw my way is meaningless. Everyone knows what you are.
he is taking the side of personal responsibilty for your actions
He's taking the exact opposite of that stance, dip shit. The bullies are who need to change their behavior. Not nerds, or geeks, or fat kids, or gingers, or the new asian student, etc.

Saying that it's their fault for being annoying is not only pathetic and disgusting, it's also untrue.
Everyone knows what you are.
That's right. I'm your President, bitch.

I know its not PC but there is some truth there. Kids learned from bullying, twisted as it may seem. You learn how far you can push people, you learn your limitations, you learn how to cope with unpleasant situations. These are all things I think are lacking in our kids development these days. Its important, IMO, to learn these things when you're a kid.

Honest question. If your daughter was being called ugly and dumb by a group of girls that were more popular and charismatic than her, and she was coming home in tears every day. Would you still hold this position that this was a crucial part of her childhood development?
Honest question. If your daughter was being called ugly and dumb by a group of girls that were more popular and charismatic than her, and she was coming home in tears every day. Would you still hold this position that this was a crucial part of her childhood development?
I have a story about my daughter I'll tell you via PM if you'd like. I won't post it here because people will say I'm lying.
I have a story about my daughter I'll tell you via PM if you'd like. I won't post it here because people will say I'm lying.

Does it involve her tax return or something? Jk, yeah send it in PM.
You know what stops kids from being bullied? Principles bullying the students by telling them that they are spineless annoying wimps.

That should fix it.
Yeah but when I was a kid and bullies would kick your ass, kids rarely killed themselves. I mean, its one of those weird situations where theres not much I'm really condoning but I feel like the anti bully movement has sort of left kids soft


Suicide rates have also remained steady for children under 15:

2nd chart on the page.

Tell me more about your feelings, @Seano.
I'm not really into this sort of shit. Choose another person to get on your soapbox with and work on your reading comprehension.
Not my fault you support bullying.