Primate Strength - Gorilla Muscles

omg wtf was that. matt furry is shameless.
Funny - lame attempt to cash in on the King Kong movie!

He is right about our primate cousins though, in that they are naturally very strong.

One thing he neglected to mention was that humans generally have far greater lower body strength (proportionally) than most primates. It is just how we are designed. We aren't natural born tree swingers. We are more developed for open plains and walking huges distances. Ask a chimp and a human to put a 50lb pack on its back and travel 10 miles in a desert climate in one day, and we'll see who makes it.
Excellent point, Grady. Furey is shameless.
the jokes on you guys. i have been primate training for the last 4 months and i been swinging from buildings in downtown getting around in style.
lockjaw211 said:
the jokes on you guys. i have been primate training for the last 4 months and i been swinging from buildings in downtown getting around in style.

Style?? How do you get girls man??
lockjaw211 said:
the jokes on you guys. i have been primate training for the last 4 months and i been swinging from buildings in downtown getting around in style.
Spiderman is that you?
Lmao those 1 liners are so funny...

The funny thing is some idiot will believe this shit and pay the incredibly low price of $349!
Grady said:
Funny - lame attempt to cash in on the King Kong movie!

He is right about our primate cousins though, in that they are naturally very strong.

One thing he neglected to mention was that humans generally have far greater lower body strength (proportionally) than most primates. It is just how we are designed. We aren't natural born tree swingers. We are more developed for open plains and walking huges distances. Ask a chimp and a human to put a 50lb pack on its back and travel 10 miles in a desert climate in one day, and we'll see who makes it.

Excellent point. While I dont want to offend anyone or turn this into a debate about evolution, but walking uprite is generally accepted as the frist evolutionary change that separated us from our primate cousins. As the jungles of southern africa dried up and turned to savanha we had to start walking for out food. Its like comparig apples and oranges. Oh yeah Matt Furey is a jackass.
oddly enough there's about 6 theories on the origins of bipedalism. My favorite? women started walking upright to hide their perenium so men wouldn't know whether or not they were ovulating. this allowed them to get men to bribe them (behavior we see today in non human primate males trying to exchange food for sex with an ovulating female... in human primates we call this a date) and do shit for them. Women manipulating men before even walking was common place.
Maybe Matt Furey should trade in his primate strength for human intelligence.

OooHOOHH!!!!@@!1111!!!!11!!1ONEzors0zors BURRRRN!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt looks like an ape and want everyone else to look like one tooo.
He seems to not realize that apes are wild beasts and there is nothing they do at all that makes them that strong other than being born and reaching maturity.

You cannot become as strong as a monkey simply back "training like one," and more than you can run as quickly or in the same fashion as cheata or swim as fast or in the same mannor as a dolphin.

The whole premise is beyond retarded. Even an ape wouldn't fall for it.
lockjaw211 said:
the jokes on you guys. i have been primate training for the last 4 months and i been swinging from buildings in downtown getting around in style.

hmm, I've been training primate power for the last 4 weeks and I've been picking fleas off my coworkers and flinging poo.
i've been training primate power for a while now and my butt is growing these bright red pads on it.. and my mouth is getting a circle around it like homer simpson. and im growing hair on my forehead.
I'd actually be quite interested to see what is on these DVDs.....not prepared to pay for them though. Has anyone here seen them? Just curious is all.