One day something fucky was going on at bar, but do not stress, I had that look in my eyes. There was a group of wannabe thugs trying to stand out by being loud and harassing women, and normally I wouldn't care if they weren't being physical about it, but, man, there was a gorgeous waitress that I had hooked, lined and was almost ready to do the sinking and she happened to be one of the victims of these morons.
I tell my cousin, best friend and older brother (all the same person) that I'll be back in a minute; I approach these hooligans wannabes and explain to them that their behavior is unacceptable. As expected they overreact by screaming ad hominem attacks directed to, you guessed... me.
I start laughing because being honest, who the fuck have a chance against a sherdogger in a real life combat situation?, specially at a bar with street rules. The main man of the group stands up and try to do that little

pushing that some idiots are accustomed to do and ends up eating a devastating hook to his ear lobe; that moron almost decapitates himself on the free fall with the side of a bar stool. The other two go nuts, they quickly get into "fighting" position ignoring all the basics to good balance and effective striking. I on the other hand was plenty of ready to fill the room with uppercuts, and the people around us were all dazed by my godly motivation; but they didn't try anything, they lovers just stood there and took the embarrassment.
Those posers gave all wannabe thugs around the world a big L.
Their pride was done in. I came out victorious. Twice, since I got to do the sinker on the waitress and that punani was good. Awesomely good.
I bet
@Slobodan got a few stories to tell about this subject too.