Pre-Season Prem Thread - 2. Edizione: Summer Mercato

Autumn bless
Innit. Feel her new album will be really good! Might see her in two weeks ish, I last saw her 5 years ago and this new stuff is way better. She’s touring in Manchester too and tickets aren’t stupidly priced 🍂

What about Mbappe 's goal?

Star witness in City's 115 charges case.

Arteta rejects dark arts claim after Man City complaints: “I have been there before, I was there for four years. I have all the information. So I know. Believe me.”

J/k they get slap on the wrist
Star witness in City's 115 charges case.

Rumours are kicking around that they won their APT case and it's getting announced this week.

Will be massive for us if true because the rules they brought in when we got taken over will be changed.
Take City out, and Newcastle with the right management, could easily, organically, become a top 6 club instead of what they are inevitably going to become.

Prem, without City, would have been immense these last 6-7 years.