Powertec leverage gyms


White Belt
Apr 13, 2004
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i need some opinions here cause the gym i go to has 2 powertec gyms, a cable crossover apparatas, and 5lbs-30lb hex DB
Do you think those machines will build strength, cause i can lift some serious weight on the poweertec gym.
@ home i have cast iron weights up to 245or maybe 250lbs and i only can do 200lb bench for10 solid reps, 190lb barbell row 8 reps, 225lb deadlift for 6 reps but my legs are weak only 170lbs for 10 reps or more but usually i dont have a spotter for free weight workout and i dont own a power rack, just a simple bench.
which would be better?
Stick with your free weights.

5-30 lb. dumbells, what kind of gym is this?
Sonny said:
Stick with your free weights.

5-30 lb. dumbells, what kind of gym is this?

Its not a gym, its a fishmarket!
Sonny said:
Stick with your free weights.

5-30 lb. dumbells, what kind of gym is this?

Very usefull.

For Rotator Cuff exercises.
WTF! Oh man that's brutal.
You gotta buy yourself some wieghts or find another gym man.
...up to 30lbs? Squats. But you might only want to use one of the 30lb dumbbells. You'll have legs like Mike Platz in no time.
KingSnake said:

LOL! I was gonna mention Curves in my initial post but I didn't think anyone else would get it. There was an article in our local paper that totally trashed Curves saying that the average Curves workout burns 80-100 calories.
Sonny said:
LOL! I was gonna mention Curves in my initial post but I didn't think anyone else would get it. There was an article in our local paper that totally trashed Curves saying that the average Curves workout burns 80-100 calories.

That's why they call it curves, not hot chicks.
I have a Powertec leverage system in my house. I normally go to a gym & use free weights, buts it great to have for when I need it.

It's pretty good for strength training, it's the same principal as hammer strength- which is in every gym. It sucks for squats, but you can get a good upper body workout on it. Free weights are still much better for functional strength.

I am actually looking to sell the Powertec, & get an olympic squat rack/bench set-up.