Power Clean Form Critique

You should catch the bar on your shoulders, not with your wrists/hands.
California Strength has some nice shoulder flexibility exercises on their website. It looks like you are not really bending at the knees and hips to catch the bar, and are compensating by spreading your legs out on the catch. Overall it is closer to a tall clean than a power clean, I have the same issues.
Front squats are your friend. Looks like you're uncomfortable getting low with that much weight for fear of falling backwards.
Practice those at the end of your workout since it'll fatigue your legs for cleans. Watch yourself in the mirror if you can and try your best to keep your elbows forward, and your ass sticking out. This will help your develop flexibility and balance.
Once you feel more comfortable with front squats, try to incorporate cleans with much less weight so you get the feel of catching the weight in the front squat position with your elbows forward, back straight, and ass out.

edit: just watched some of the videos mentioned above and linked below- very nice and broken down into workable steps
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Almost everything about it was wrong. Edit: I'm being a little too negative there, it was 75% bad.

California Strength Blog, Olympic Weight Lifting Technique, Videos, Interviews, Instruction, Workouts Olympic Weight Lifting Technique Videos

Watch those videos over and over again then go out and practice it over and over again.

Thanks for this. I had been searching around for some good videos teaching the clean form, and these ones are very simple and clear. I know what drills I'll be doing next time.
Cool. Maybe I can finally get into the rack postition with that stretch on the video.
1. Your back is rounded all to hell.
2. I would suggest thinking about using your lats more. You can see where at the start of the pull your shoulders are shrugged forward. Think about using your lats to pull the bar into you. This has helped me anyway.
3. You look like you are bending your elbows too early.
4. The racking part is ugly. Previous posters have also pointed that out.
5. Get under the bar more. You are doing a lateral split to try to compensate for your lack of squat.