Boy have I got some bad news for you regarding gun legislation.
But no, 60 people dying from it (per a youtube video that included being murdered by stabbing, as "dying from it") is in an of itself enough to ban a form a speech. And if that is a big enough threshold for you, then we've got a fuckton of stuff that meets that criteria.
Per internet stoics? What are you citing for porns tremendously negative effect on society?
When was porn ever illegal in this country?
And that's why you're a hypocrite. You see no problem with the things you like, even if there would be moral crusaders that would, and have, sought to ban your speech.
You can't just waive your hand and declare one form of speech to without value and then just hope that no one turns an eye towards yours. Then we have a state trying to either legislate morality, or we otherwise accept that some speech, despite our Constitution saying otherwise, can be restricted.
You aren't for freedom. You're just for freedom for yourself.