(Poll) What's your favorite single barbell execrice?

What's your favorite barbell execrice?

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Oct 23, 2017
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I used to be a gym rat back in the day when I still had hair and proper testosterone levels and no virus plague. I used to do all these in the poll along with excessive creatine. Which is your favorite? My favorite was and still is bench press. Least favorite was dead lifts. I could never get the technique right. Always had back pains after. Would much rather squat than deadlift.

What's yours?
The one I have been best at? Squat.
The one I like most? Usually bench or press, but sometimes deadlift.
If you asked me 5 years ago I would've said squat or snatch but curls are my current favorite.
The one I have been best at? Squat.
The one I like most? Usually bench or press, but sometimes deadlift.

Has any part of your body taken damage over the years from excessive squatting?
It seems to vary all of the time based on what I'm excelling at or if a lift is hurting me. Right now it's probably deadlift. Squats are usually one of my favorites since I'm probably best at those, but I've had nagging injuries and aches from them lately. I go through phases of really liking to snatch even though I suck at them.
I used to be pretty happy with my deadlift and OHP numbers but never really liked performing either. I look forward to rows and hang cleans though, I really enjoy those lifts.
Deadlift or barbell step up for me.

I like bench and press a lot too, squats are a necessary evil.
Can you hate the 1st set of squats but once the hips warm up and start getting depth you get hyped for the 4th and 5th set?

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