Polar express is a terrible movie

I don’t remember anyone praising it. It’s shit and always has been. Book is awesome. Read it all the time as a kid.
I hate Arthur Christmas. My wife has that movie on a loop all December long, but it's a can. Something about the way the people look in it just irks me.
I'm at the Plasma Center and I'm pretty sure they had Polar Express playing on the mounted TVs here on mute.

The animation was gawdawful.
The book is great for kids but that CGI was unable to capture real emotion in any of the characters. The lack of it give you an awkward melancholy feel which is the polar opposite of the warm feeling you get from the book.
Never seen it. Die Hard is my Christmas movie.

Every animation movie is boring and terrible. Yes I watched ice age but still I mean animals that would be pray and predator llgettimg along and so on is just for kids not grown ups
I hate Arthur Christmas. My wife has that movie on a loop all December long, but it's a can. Something about the way the people look in it just irks me.

I think the last legit Christmas movie people agreed on and put it on the same pedestal as the greats, was "Elf". I've never even seen it. LOL. All I know is "SANTAAAA!", from the 5 billion commercials I see every Christmas. "Arthur Christmas" seems to be a cult favorite, though. It's always on those "The Best Christmas Movie You've Never Seen" lists.

"Bad Santa" is a sleeper pick as well.
As far as i remember, it was far from heavily praised.

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