Plate pinches


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
I have been plate pinching 25 pound plates for 30-45 seconds and I'm not sure if I'm gripping them properly because I feel the burn more in my forearms than my grip. Are you suppose to dig your fingernails in or just use your fingers? What else should you keep in mind? Often the plate will slip before I drop it from exhaustion.

Also are pinch curls a waste of time when focusing on grip work?
If you pinch a single plate, you must be sure that you pinch only the rim or the grip becomes useless. If your fingers are pressing against anything but a smooth, flat metal surface you're doing it incorrectly. They can't touch the lip of the rim which runs around the plate; they can't touch any raised lettering; they can't touch any of that shit. If you've got that squared away, rotating your fingers to the point where you can employ your fingernails is counterproductive. It doesn't help, and it puts your fingers at a mechanical disadvantage. So your hands should look like this:


The thumb, which you can't see in that pic, extends also, almost as if you're making that little "blah, blah, blah" motion with your hand that some folks do. When you're pinch gripping like that, you'll certainly fail in your hands before you fail in your forearms.

Secondly, choose a weight that you can only keep airborne for about 5 seconds. Just like anything else, if you want strength keep the weight close to your max. You can choose weights that you can heft for longer than that, but you'll be training endurance more than anything else.

Lastly, plate curls do not waste time. John Brookefield says their one of the key exercises for good wrist strength and pinch grip. I would advise you to include them in your routine.
Thanks Hulk, I wasn't aware that you are suppose to use one weight in front of you, i've been just holding two plates on each side of me.
Mojorisin99 said:
Thanks Hulk, I wasn't aware that you are suppose to use one weight in front of you, i've been just holding two plates on each side of me.
both works I quite like doing plate pinches as a farmers walk. I just take a plate in each hand and try and walk the length of my garden as many times as i can before i drop the things.
Mojorisin99 said:
Thanks Hulk, I wasn't aware that you are suppose to use one weight in front of you, i've been just holding two plates on each side of me.

You can either use one handed (use two plates, smooth sides out) which is normally held at the side. Using both hands but individually would also be at the sides.

If you are doing a two handed pinch it naturally has to be in the middle.