Pixar vs. Studio Ghibli


Brown Belt
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Both are legendary in their own right, but which studio in your own opinion has the better collection of movies?
Ghibli made some cool stuff, but this is like comparing RC Cola to Coca Cola as far as the global market is concerned.
Pixar has my vote. Studio Ghibli has some great movies, but there is a very similar style and theme in each film. Pixar has a lot more variety in their films.
Pixar is my favorite movie studio by far, not a fan of Japanese animation and style
Easy choose for me
Damn, tough choice here. I think I have to go with Ghibli, but it's essentially two studios as perfect as they can possibly be.

The Incredibles, Coco, and Up are my gold standard for Pixar and Western animation. I haven't seen Wall-E, Ratatouille, or Inside and I hear those are all contenders for their best films. I think the Toy Story franchise is massively overrated, though groundbreaking and massively influential.

Ghibli is harder to nail down because despite there being similar themes of freedom and self discovery, the tone and subject can be massively different for every movie. Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are perfection. Ponyo and the Wind Rises were damn close. My wife really enjoyed Kiki's Delivery Service because she could relate so well despite finding animation and Japanese culture completely unrelatable. There's more movies that I would love to see and just haven't been able to yet, but I have noticed fans seem to have a wide range of favorites in the catalogue.

I think my two favorite films from each studio weigh evenly with eachother, they both have many very good movies beneath them. But the lowlights might make a difference. Ghibli has done smaller experimental stuff that's been passable but not exceptional. But Pixar has Cars and that docks a point or two.
What is the appeal of Spirited Away? I know some grown adults who rank it as their favorite movie... i thought it was pretty boring and emo/depressing
The only ghibli movie I've seen is princess mononoke... I think.

I've never seen their other heavy hitters like spirited away and totaro.

For what it's worth though, everyone says princess mononoke was amazing and I didn't think it was that great. So I guess I'd go with Pixar until I see those other two ghibli movies

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