News Pirates of the Caribbean actor Tamayo Perry, 49, is killed in shark attack in Hawaii

What's also crazy is killer whales have learned how to sink boats. They attack boats now and break them to pieces

Mother Nature seems to be fighting back against us
Still wouldn't stop me from going out to surf. Or just surf in areas where sharks aren't around.
Hawaii shark attack stats below :eek:
What's also crazy is killer whales have learned how to sink boats. They attack boats now and break them to pieces

Mother Nature seems to be fighting back against us

Killer whales/orcas still have never attacked a human outright in the wild.
Location is the key part.

SA will have more fatalities the tourist locals because of two killer whales the shifted the population from where everyone knew it was a risk to tourist beaches that never had the same amount of great whites.

Also it's 1 in 3.75 million

[COLOR=var(--YLNNHc)]The chances of being attacked and killed by a shark are one in 3.75 million. The US and Australia consistently report the most shark attacks each year. But your chances of dying from a shark attack are rare and lower than death by a lightning strike.[/COLOR][COLOR=var(--IXoxUe)]5 Dec 2023[/COLOR]
I mean that statistic probably doesn’t hold up for people that surf regularly
He could have drowned and had a shark gnaw on his remains.

The Doctor who called it and the Medical Examiner would likely be able to tell through various physical indications.
It seems like there have been more shark attacks this year than there usually are.

It's all part of the planned takeover.

First, whales on sports illustrated swimsuit covers. Next, orcas fucking up sailboats. This is merely the third phase
Tough way to go, seems like a cool guy.

That must be a terrible way to die. Rip.
fucking nightmare fuel man

I don't fuck with sharks or any animal that can tear me limb from limb with ease (Bears in my neck of the woods).

RIP to the poor guy
Fuck the ocean & all the terrifying stuff in it
What's also crazy is killer whales have learned how to sink boats. They attack boats now and break them to pieces

Mother Nature seems to be fighting back against us
Hope he went quick.

Died doing what he loved.
He knew the risks.

RIP <RomeroSalute>
you can be carefull as much as you want but if destiny say it is your time it is your time. but hay delay it by not getting careless into shark waters
What a brutal way to go. My girl used to be a lifeguard and likes to swim out pretty far when we go to the beach. I make it abundantly clear that I'm not going out that far to save her <Fedor23> I like to go out as far as my feet still touch the bottom

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