Now that the story has been written about in U.S. publications, I feel as though I can comment. (Not that we didn’t already know, with the pics, tattoo comparisons, and general info about the man’s place of origin.)
Firstly, RIP to the victim, Paola, for she had her life taken from her in a brutal way. Like most people, she was loved.
Secondly, whatever happened between them — the allegations made in the various articles I have read — is almost immaterial. You don’t hurt someone when there are issues. I get that culpability, or diminished responsibility, are going to come into play, especially since Phil flagged down the police, but what he did was horrible. I’m not sure I believe the shower story, either.
Baroni will always be part of MMA history. The MMA fans before TUF, but not O.G. UFC 1 level, know what he meant for a brief period of time. Menne-Baroni was mandatory viewing for awhile. Also, I thought he had some fun fights in PRIDE — a gassed up brawler/wrestler with cardio issues and one of the most popular teams in MMA behind him. It was fun.
I would say ‘07 was about when things ended. Baroni became a name to beat, and nobody really saw things improving, imo. He had one last big fight (against Shamrock) but has been living off the memories of his early UFC run for some time now.
Clearly, Baroni has been in a downward spiral for some time. His story was becoming that of The Wrestler, for he was a washed fighter who could never find his own space in life, never could get out of the past and move toward a better future. Phil was the NYBA, and nothing seemed to change over the decades. When he started bare knuckle a couple years ago, and was getting prime placement, I thought, ‘this isn’t right’. He couldn’t take someone ten years prior, yet he’s going to get into the ring and fist-fight another fighter. It was brutal.
In recent days, the story of The Wrestler is what Baroni should’ve shot for, because he is now in a lot of trouble for killing a woman, possibly in a brutal way. I always thought he was a douchebag…this is a low I never thought we’d see. And Justice can never bring Paola back, no matter what happens, so I suspect the rest of Baroni’s story will be dark, and he’ll never be able to come out under this, which is what should happen.