People who stand too close to you in line at the store


Steel Belt
Jun 10, 2016
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So I was at the local convenience store/gas station. Ran in quick to grab a drink after I got some gas.

While I'm at the counter and the guy is ringing me up, I feel breath against my neck. Very warm, sticky feeling breath. I think I felt some spit too. Mouth breather.

I do a spin around and some crackhead looking dude is literally standing about 2 inches behind me, slightly to the right. Breathing heavy with body language that indicated he was in a rush and had 0 patience. He was so close I almost bumped him when I turned around.

I always stand at least a foot behind the person in front of me. I don't know what the deal was with this guy, but it wasnt the first time this happened. Some people just really, really stand too close.

Anyone have this happen to them?
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So I was at the local convenience store/gas station. Ran in quick to grab a drink after I got some gas.

While I'm at the counter and the guy is ringing me up, I feel breathe against my neck. Very warm, sticky feeling breath. I think I felt some spit too. Mouth breather.

I do a spin around and some crackhead looking dude is literally standing about 2 inches behind me, slightly to the right. Breathing heavy with body language that indicated he was in a rush and had 0 patience. He was so close I almost bumped him when I turned around.

I always stand at least a foot behind the person in front of me. I don't know what the deal was with this guy, but it wasnt the first time this happened. Some people just really, really stand too close.

Anyone have this happen to them?
You need to learn from this violent unsung hero.

The land whale kept getting close to the guy and even bumped to him a few times. He then filled the checkout line with shopping carts

I’ve had this happen to me. I actually act like I’m looking around and swing my arms and hit them. They are usually so fuckin unaware it takes an actual huge bump before they move like 5 inches away. Like the first couple of times I graze them and they don’t seem to notice or mind, so I have to legit hit them for them to consider even moving.

They probably just don’t have a good sense of distance/personal space but they are fuckin idiots I swear
I've read that is a problem or maybe better said difference autistic people have. They don't have the same personal space relationship as typical people do. Some doctors have suggested if the cause of personal space is figured out it might lead to a cure for autism.
This generally is one of the good things I've noticed coming from COVID, people generally give each other more space in line now. I mean theres always going to be some idiot like this but they're more of the exception now than the rule.
See - it gave us all a weapon. I just clear my throat like one of those old guys who always has flem and hack a big nasty cough.

Shit clears out fast. No Juan wants cofefe
This generally is one of the good things I've noticed coming from COVID, people generally give each other more space in line now. I mean theres always going to be some idiot like this but they're more of the exception now than the rule.
100 Percent...That was one of the only "Rules" during the Sweet and Sour Sniffles "Pandemic" that made sense along with keeping ones hands clean..but that faded quick and now its back to people bumping and grinding in waiting lines.