Peaceful uprising in Ukraine against the new Government

Sashko Bilyi?

Yes. Pulled over by a masked men, handcuffed and shot. Waiting for info from police on the spot.

Edit: Yeah. Just been confirmed by the Right Sector.
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That's pretty much the whole story bud


A coalition government by definition cannot be a neo-Nazi party.

However, given the simpering, cack-handed pro-Kremlin misinformation being shamelessly spewed all over the place by you and your ilk here, I can't say I'm surprised that you'd double down on this nonsense.
Yes. Pulled over by a masked men, handcuffed and shot. Waiting for info from police on the spot.

Edit: Yeah. Just been confirmed by the Right Sector.

Not surprised about this. Just about everyone had motive served for him to disappear. He'd become a liability, and some of Putin's best evidence for turning opinions against Ukrainians.




You CTers are morons.
There's no wrong or right to it beyond who would you rather have influencing what. US/EU are no angels. But Putin regime is a cancer on the world that needs to be excised before it becomes worse. What he has set up in Russia is bad news for the world.

It's not like Puerto Rico because Puerto Rico is US territory. It's more like Cuba. In Cuba, the US was supporting a puppet not unlike Yanukovich. Like Ukraine, the people revolted and Russia influenced events through extreme anti-US elements of that revolution. And it had nothing to do with bad or good, bur rather US being dumb and leaving a weakness and Russia exploiting it. Same thing happened here, and if Putin is smart he'll learn a valuable lesson. Both instances are weakness through hubris. The power thinks they can prop an unpopular puppet and ends up leaving an opening for hte other side to pitch a tent in their back yard.

How is Putin's regime a cancer on the world? That sort of talk is just emotive sensationalism that has no place if you want to have a serious discussion on the geopolitical trends. The last time I checked, in the last 20 years the US was acting like the "Evil Empire" it accused the Soviets of being and gallivanting across the globe in a haughty and prideful manner spreading the butter of democracy to the savages.

Whether it's Puerto Rico, Cuba or Mexico in the grand scheme of things is irrelevant. International law and political history recognize "spheres of influence." NATO has gradually expanded eastward toward Russia. America and its vassal states in NATO did not wish to integrate Russia on an equal footing, but rather, as a subordinate. That clearly did not work. There have also been a long series of events, the amalgamation of which, led to this point. This article best explains the motivations of why Putin did what he did.

Following the end of Cold War, embracing the West was the first priority of Russian foreign policy. But to Moscow’s dismay, it found that the West still harbored strong reservations and considerable distrust. Years spent courting and wooing provided little of what Russia craved most: equal membership in the West and economic prosperity. Though Russia became part of the exclusive G8, it never enjoyed the full status and say of the other seven members, always remaining an “other.” Economically, the shock remedy proposed by the West and faithfully implemented by Boris Yeltsin didn’t bring the expected economic benefit. Instead, it took Russia’s economy into freefall, leaving the average Russian worse off than before. Russia’s look West ended in humiliation and disaster.

It was Putin who saved Russia from its miserable condition. He readjusted both Russia’s domestic and foreign policies, and distanced the country from the West, instead seeking opportunities to resurrect past Soviet glories. As the Russian economy improved, the West found that its time was passing. The 2008 economic crisis hit the U.S. and Europe hard and they found themselves more reliant on the emerging powers, Russia included. It is Britain, France, and even Germany who are now busy appealing to Russian oil bacons to buy more and invest more. The balance of power between Russia and the West has shifted. The small war in Georgia in the summer of 2008 only strengthened this trend and the response from the West impressed Russia greatly: Europe is rotten and the U.S. has become too weak to lead. Then came the Arab Spring and the Syria crisis. In the former case, the U.S. “led from behind,” and in the latter it was Russia that decided the course of the Syria civil war.

Russians, and especially Putin learned a hard lesson from the post-Cold War romance with the West: For all the talk of democracy and freedom, the fact remains that the strong dictate to the weak.
Illegal Neo-nazi backed coup to dethrone elected president in the Ukraine is fine, but people in Crimea voting to join Russia is not? This logic makes no sense.
so it is a "yes" to both of my questions.
you would be much better off if you distance yourself from the Right Sector.
fortunately for you, not many people know what black and red flag represents.
so it is a "yes" to both of my questions.
you would be much better off if you distance yourself from the Right Sector.
fortunately for you, not many people know what black and red flag represents.

It represents the colors of UPA. Ukrainian insurgent army that thought on both fronts for total sovereignty of Ukraine. No dis, but who are you to tell me whats best for me? Or do think you know something that I don't?

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