Pavel Tsatsouline's fighter pullup program...

I'm guessing he means reps. So of your max pullups is 15, on the first day your routine ends up being:
12, 10, 8, 6, 4. So 5 sets

Unless I'm completely out the ball park on this. The important thing is your making progression, even if its with 1 rep.
I'm guessing he means reps. So of your max pullups is 15, on the first day your routine ends up being:
12, 10, 8, 6, 4. So 5 sets

Unless I'm completely out the ball park on this. The important thing is your making progression, even if its with 1 rep.

Yeah, I dunno....I'm not sure I follow. The x12 and x20 is still throwing me off even by what you're saying. I mean, I get the point of the routine but I'm more curious for my own reading comprehension than anything.

Thanks for trying to explain tho...My reading comp isn't the best at times! ;)
Yeah, I dunno....I'm not sure I follow. The x12 and x20 is still throwing me off even by what you're saying. I mean, I get the point of the routine but I'm more curious for my own reading comprehension than anything.

Thanks for trying to explain tho...My reading comp isn't the best at times! ;)
I'm not sure if he's writing out the program by a Russian rep/set schema. IIRC they write set and reps differently than here in the West.

We read 4x10 as 4 sets of 10, they read it as 10 sets of 4. I think the full nomenclature is weight x rep x sets. eg. bench 315lbx x 4 x 10. Regardless though seeing a rep/set scheme as 15BW x 12,10,8,6,4 is something I've never seen before.
I'm not sure if he's writing out the program by a Russian rep/set schema. IIRC they write set and reps differently than here in the West.

We read 4x10 as 4 sets of 10, they read it as 10 sets of 4. I think the full nomenclature is weight x rep x sets. eg. bench 315lbx x 4 x 10. Regardless though seeing a rep/set scheme as 15BW x 12,10,8,6,4 is something I've never seen before.

Ahhh I got it now....reading your op makes more sense now. Basically scaling back to 12 reps even tho you have a 15RM to save some gas in the tank to make progressions.

Ruskies...They can't just come out and speak teh engrish!! ;)
Each number separated by a comma represents the number of reps in that set.