Pat Miletich instructionals?


Green Belt
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
how are they?...are they ALL worth buying?...i already have bas ruttens big dvds and the whole duane ludwig series and the first 4 of the mark kerr series, all of the randy couture series, and the miletich ones look great, comments?
I think they're very good. They're much better organized than most. His punching and muay thai combos with movement are very good. He also shows a crap load of drills, including reversals. One of the drills is the exact same armbar that Hughes used to finish GSP.

If you had to scrap one, I wouldn't really bother with the fight clinic one since around 60% of it is just the best drills from the other series.

On milkman Dan's now defunct MMA ranking thread, he had this...
General MMA

1) Matt Thornton: Functional JKD series 2 ****
2) Matt Thornton: Functional JKD series 1 ****
3) Frank Shamrock: Century Vision series 1*** 1/2
4) Pat Miletich: Century Vision series 1 *** 1/2
5) Tito Ortiz: NHB Freestyle ***

He puts the emphasis on striking. The groundwork is solid but basic, Mostly reversals and positional stuff. Its not BJJ but it's perfect for MMA which is what he's doing. Solid basic essentials....

Great set...
thanks alot, do you think the thai pads one is very important?...i already know plenty of combos, and which one has all the best ground drills?
if you want good drills take the Stephen Kesting - Grappling Drills dvd

About Miletich set, I think the thai pad training vid is not the most important tape who covers striking, the best tape of his set is "make them paid for missing" imo
killer_kicks88 said:
thanks alot, do you think the thai pads one is very important?...i already know plenty of combos, and which one has all the best ground drills?

Beause you have Ludwig and Rutten already, i would suggest vol 2. "make them pay for missing" as it covers counters and interrupts much better than I've seen anywhere else.
Vol 4 Submissions, reversals and escapes is another must have.

If you have extra cash, vol 5 on passing and gaining position might also help, but
you can find that in other vids as well.

Keep an eye on e-bay, got my set there for a deep discount.
thanks alot for the help so far guys! ^_^ how would you rate Stephen Kesting's grappling drills dvd?...and what kinds of things does it cover?...also, i practice no gi, is that what it's for?
Very nice. Sounds like Pat has some good stuff.