Paige VanZant Looked Terrible at the Weigh Ins

Should have shaved her head, it would have been a easier cut.
Whatever dude I'm with Paige right now and she says she's never fucking heard of you.
LOL oh...yeah? well your right she wouldnt know me as Viperdude dummy....Thats one obvious thing. If you knew my name andl if that were true shed be telling you exactly who I was. Didn't say we were best friends. She knows me well though, I also know her brother (unfortunately). I dont care if you believe me lol Its just paige vanzant not Beyonce
Poor, lil Momma… looks like she needs me to run a bubble bath and pamper her when she gets home tonight… why? ‘cause, I’m…

I've never seen an attractive 115 pound women have such weird almost chubbyish arms.
that's what they look like when you wake them up in the morning cuz you gotta go to work and don't want them lingering around your pad.

You let them stay til the morning?
Not seeing it. She's damn gorgeous. She probably shouldn't be fighting. Props for the effort, though.
Neither looked great.
I've never seen an attractive 115 pound women have such weird almost chubbyish arms.

I wonder this a lot and glad im not the only one. PVZ is a professional fighter who works out for a living and still doesn't have a fighters body. She is, shall we say a lil soft...