Pac-Man Retires

Manny is one of the top fighters of his generation and an all time great. Glad to see he is hanging them up with his faculties intact.

Also, before people judge him politically, understand that a large portion of the earth has similar viewpoints, whether you like it or not. A strongman like Duterte is also popular among many Filipinos for at least the optics of lowering crime. Manny has views that may not be popular here, but the Philippines are still pretty conservative socially, and I think he will continue to be a successful politician over there. Can't say I agree with some of his more extreme positions, but I think he will have a spot in politics over there as long as he wants it.
A man that's taken that much brain damage shouldn't be allowed to run one way or another. Bat shit crazy views or not.
He's clearly not able to beat top guys anymore so retiring is the way to go. Otherwise the end of his resume will be a string of losses like a lot of other guys.
Good! Dont want to see one of my fav boxers turn into an another RJJ. At his age and the amount of fights he has had the only way is down and younger guys he would have eaten alive 5-6 years ago (Ugas) will run rings around him..
Nothing left to prove, and no need to risk your health at this point. Very happy to hear this.
Manny is one of the top fighters of his generation and an all time great. Glad to see he is hanging them up with his faculties intact.

Also, before people judge him politically, understand that a large portion of the earth has similar viewpoints, whether you like it or not. A strongman like Duterte is also popular among many Filipinos for at least the optics of lowering crime. Manny has views that may not be popular here, but the Philippines are still pretty conservative socially, and I think he will continue to be a successful politician over there. Can't say I agree with some of his more extreme positions, but I think he will have a spot in politics over there as long as he wants it.

I'm not really sure the argument of "you shouldn't judge him politically, because a lot of people have his view" makes all that makes sense - and kind of negates the reasons for why people judge things politically in the first place.

Duterte is popular in the Philippines like Donald Trump is popular in USA. He's hardly some all time great savior, who should be void of criticism.

You're also talking like there are no people from PH who might comment. People in the PH speak English and use English websites, including message boards. There is no way to tell if someone critisizes Manny/Duterteif they are Filipino or not - likewise if they compliment them.

Will Manny be a successful politician? Probably. Is that a good thing for PH? Not inherently. They're a country notoriously known for having lousy politicians that hold the country back, which is one of the reasons why I left. Manny is elected in office because he is a national hero for athletics, not because of any other real skill or ability.

Typically speaking, most well educated people who have nothing directly to gain know that in the PH, it just happens most people in the PH are not well educated.

EDIT: I have nothing against Manny as a boxer, and wouldn't even register his political career as Filipino politics is a joke that is beyond his control. This post just seems like it has a lot of passive aggressive agenda behind it.
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Oh, and not to derail the thread too badly.

Manny is one of the P4P goats and I'm glad he retired while still a pretty good fighter, and didn't chose to stick around until he was entirely washed. Hope he doesn't make a desperate comeback.
Glad he got out with his senses. I was afraid he would have to get beat down to retire.

One of the things that impresses me most about his career is how he returned in the later stages to beat top guys after being KTFO in historic fashion.
Good move and good luck to pac man in his presidential run!
Loved watching him box and he had an amazing career. Got me into boxing in the early 2000's and in the boxing gym myself. Much Hespect!
glad he's retired, hopefully, he'll be in the minority that sticks with it. Don't care about politics or his opinions but hope he can do some good for his people and I think his hearts' in the right place however, power corrupts and many men start off idealistic and end up warped.

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